Interpretations Of Healing Colors Cover


White is seen to be of high Spiritual Purity, Virtue, Attainment, Enlightened, Inner attunement to the spiritual self and is present in more naturally innocent or peaceable individuals or in more spiritually evolved souls along with a multitude of other colors. Many of us at times have a small band of white within the aura that just rises off the skin 1cm, but it is less common to see white in the outer bands of the aura, however when we are a positive and charitable or have a good spiritual vibration, white can sometimes be seen in the aura.


Is seen to be one of the purest of the healing color as while light contains all colors within itself, therefore it is seen to be good to help bring a harmonious balance and is good for purifying and cleansing. It can help to remove negative manifestations and purifies body and mind as well as being a good for general healing, however it normal is only used for a brief during healing, white is good also for relieving pain and general distress and is believed to be connected to the crown chakra and relates also to the mind along with the right eye and temple.


Spiritual and Psychic Awareness, Intuitive Wisdom, Optimism, Sensitivity, Peaceful Nature and Healing.


Is seen to bring balance to the equilibrium and passivity and again helps insomnia. Good for general upliftment and recharges the body. Related to the Crown chakra.


Purple is seen to be associated to the brow chakra within the mind and is considered to bring spiritual intuition and concepts with an ability to both receive and interpret spiritual wisdom and then convert it into action. Positive spiritual strength and growth along with being confident, tolerant & purposeful with a cool and even or passive temperament. Purple is a spiritually cleansing color and those that have it can or have develop a good even sense of spiritual values and often have a caring and considerate nature as well as good healing abilities.


Is seen to be a color that brings harmony to the spiritual self and can help to settle nerves. It can help insomnia, fits, arthritis, rheumatism, epilepsy, headaches, Cancer, infection, leukemia, diabetes, purifying and detoxifying the body and can help tissue and bones to repair. Related to the brow chakra.


Spiritual Perception & Endurance, Ability to listen & give intuitively in healing.


Is as blue and green a good all round healing color and is also seen to be good for clearing blockages of the mind and healing the eyes ears nose and throat.


Spiritual Conception and clairvoyance, Confident, Peaceful, Positive, Placid, Good Natured Temperament, Thoughtful with a sense of calm and Healing Abilities.


Is seen to be a color that is good for all round general healing and is one of the most used healing colors along with green. Blue helps to bring about peace both in the mind and body and soothes agitated Conditions, the color is also good for emotional instability and nerves, also good for under active thyroid, fevers, abscesses, burns and nausea and is related to the throat chakra.


Spiritual Balance & Harmonizing, Optimistic, Forthright and Emotional Stability.


Is seen to be a color that bring stability, a good color for healing problems with respiratory system and circulation.


Spiritual Balance & Growth, Inner Peace, Pragmatic, Devotion, Intuitive, Healing Abilities, Compassion & Empathy, Gentle Nature and Good Temperament.


Is seen to be a color that can bring balance and is good for helping those that suffer with nervous conditions and emotional problems, high blood Pressure, heart, lungs and ulcers, it helps to bring about calmness. Green is also good for general healing and repairing deep wounds and bad joints. Related to the heart chakra.


Spiritual Wisdom & Power, Perceptive, Inspirational, Inner Confidence, Mental Agility, Learning and clear thinking.


Is seen to be a color the can stimulate the mind and help mental growth and helps clarity of thinking and wisdom to develop. Again an uplifting color but it should not be overly used for prolonged periods and cam help mental depression, stomach complaints, indigestion, bladder problems, kidneys, liver, Gall bladder, pancreas, Spleen and nervous system. Related to the solar plexus chakra


Spiritual Insight & Wisdom, Unfoldment, Humility & Virtue, Ability to Teach Spiritual Values and Philosophy and Healing.


Is seen to be a strong general healing color all round but should not be overly used for prolonged periods.


Vibrant, Joyous, Enthusiastic, Vitality and an Open Outgoing Nature with ambition and emotional stability.


Is seen to be a color of upliftment, sexuality and has revitalizing energies that strengthen the immune system and to increase sexual energy and aids the reproductive system, it is meant to give the immune system a boost to fight off infections in the kidneys and lungs also pneumonia and multiple sclerosis. It is also thought to aid digestion problems. Again this color should not be given for too long as it can upset the emotions. Related to the spleen chakra.


Over Reactive, Anger, Emotional Turmoil, Depletion, Stimulant, Appease. Red is not one of the colors that is desirable to have in the aura for prolonged periods but it can be see in romantic situations or on occasion it represents love or lust.


Is seen to be a color that can help to give power, energy and upliftment, as well as helping circulation, cuts, depression, distress, anaemia and multiple Sclerosis. But is not a color that is recommended to be given to a patient for a prolonged period as it can induce anger and aggressive feelings. Related to the base chakra.


Sensuality, Passion, Romance, Love, Sexuality, Desire, Fulfillment Affection, Peaceful, Endearing, Considerate and Healing.


Is seen as being able to help those who are depleted and feel unloved and is a good color to be given initially to help patients relax and feel warmth, pink can bring peace of mind and help emotions to settle.

The Remainder of These Colors Are More Associated to The Earth's Vibration


Material Inclined and motivated, Very earthly.

Brown is not generally used in healing but can help to bring balance to those who suffer mental delusions.


Deep Seated Anger or Fears, Temperamental, Explosive and Subdued Emotions, Earthly.


Depressed, lost, Worry, Negativity, Pessimistic and Despondent.

Grey is not usually used in healing.


Strength, Endurance, Deprivation, Oppressed, Disillusioned, Unemotional, Suppressed and on a rare occasion can represent a bad nature, also can be a color that represents the earth.

Black is not generally used in healing

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