How To Make An Herbal Vapor Cover
Herbal vapors are excellent for healing upper respiratory infections, headaches, and clearing stuffy noses. Herbal vapors are also a good way to clean out ones pores and can be used as part of a facial treatment. One must make sure that the water is slightly cooled, however, due to the fact that inhaling steam that is too hot can lead to nose or throat damage.

One method of making an herbal vapor is to fill a sink with very hot water, allowing a trickle of hot water to continue (in order to keep the water hot). Add drops of herbal oil to the water and inhale for five minutes, adding more oil if needed due to dilution from the running water.

A second method involves boiling water in a large pot on the stove, then adding a handful of herbs to the pot. Simmer for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and allow to cool slightly. Make a tent over your head with a large towel and place your head over the pot of water. Keep your face at least 18 inches from the water. Inhale steam for 5 minutes. If the steam seems too hot, be sure to allow it to cool off more before continuing the process.

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