" And we know we are of God."
JOHN NEWTON (1725-1807): My copy assures us, that this vow was frenzied in the foremost ages of the church. Current were some who could say, minus suspicion, "We know that we are of God," and while they are an apostle's words, he uses them not unreservedly as an apostle, but in general as a member.
AUGUSTUS TOPLADY (1713-1758): Convinced would win over us that it is disallowed for us to brew knowledge of savior by the remission of sin. Such a denial is very balancing to the setting tenor of God's going on with His family unit in all ages.
C. H. SPURGEON (1834-1892): Oh! my fuse hearers, never contain that falsehood-that a man cannot know himself to be a child of God.
A. W. Rose-colored (1886-1952): In the middle of the "decrees" of the Assembly of Trent (1563), which is the confirmed prescribed of Popery, we find the following: "If any one shall avow with dependable and ardent certainty, that he shall indubitably assume the gift of keenness to the end let him be accursed!"
MARTYN LLOYD-JONES (1899-1981): Current are Protestants, and some of them very good Protestants, who farm to withstand the especially teaching. They do so for the vindication that they regard vow as idea...I assume memorable pious Christians who regard the dispute to vow of savior as the hall-mark of tawdriness and obtuseness of doctrine-I am not exaggerating-there assume been sections of the Church that assume been so far away worried of disloyal joy that they assume gone to the other most distant and, as I say-ridiculous while it is and sounds-they assume a variety of implementation honorable when they assume felt extremely measly and stop failures.
C. H. SPURGEON: Current is a certainly produce young of Calvinists, whom I do not covetousness, who are always derision and suspicious as far away as ever they can at the full vow of dream. I assume seen their want very much faces; I assume heard their droning periods, and read their grim sentences, in which they say everything to this effect-"Squeak in the Lord alway, and another time I say, groan! He that mourneth and weepeth, he that doubteth and feareth, he that distrusteth and dishonoureth his God, shall be saved." That seems to be the sum and paste of their very ungospel-like gospel...
A aristocrat called upon me in some worry of spirit, and this was her difficulty: She had, she trusted, been influenced to God, enjoyed elder silence of spirit, and for a slight become fully grown was very full of joy; like she assumed that she had been forgiven, and was current in the sugar. Ordinarily lots, she went to the clergyman. [But] when she began to give away him now her joy, he checked her, by saying, "My good animal, this is all idea. Nay, sir," believed she "I faithfulness not; my delight is rest on nothing besides than Jesus; I rest buddy in Him. That is in keeping lots," believed he, "but you assume no regime to say you know you are saved; you assume no regime to contain that you are in the past pardoned." And he told her that he did not contain it sufficient for any Christian to be known of this recover for a very few from top to bottom saints-they strength delight, that was all; they strength faithfulness but they could never be unconscious.
JOHN NEWTON: If vow is alleged unachievable, it inner self thus not be sought after late.
MARTYN LLOYD-JONES: Greatly, I prerequisite know that it's sufficient for me to be known of my salvationAssurance of savior has always been the sketch of a be present church, not some unrevealing belief, or some possibility that sooner or later we may "become "Christians.
AUGUSTUS TOPLADY: The best believers, and the strongest, may incontestably assume their occasional fainting frenzy of distrust as to their own easily offended join in Christ; nor call for I assume any elder feelings of that man's dream who was to give away me that he never had any doubts at all. But calm state are golden seasons when the interior is on the tor of communion with God; when the Nucleus of His Son shines stylish our hearts, goodhearted us audacity and entrance way with intimacy by the dream of Him.
MARTYN LLOYD-JONES: Current are some Christians who "never" assume vow of savior. This is entirely transgression, they call for assume it.
THOMAS BROOKS (1608-1680): Such is Satan's covetousness and coldness against a Christian's joy and tailor, that he cannot but act to the most to protect miserable souls in distrust and despondency. Satan knows that vow is a pearl of such deprivation that inner self make the interior carefree for ever; he knows that vow makes a Christian's wasteland to be a paradise; he knows that vow begets in Christians the most upright and right spirits; he knows that vow inner self make men strong to do exploits, to tremor his tottering rest about his ears; and followed by he is as very university and full of activity to protect souls off from vow, as he was to cast Adam out of heaven.
MARTYN LLOYD-JONES: If the devil can concoct in making us contemplate lengthways these lines, he has organically in the past achieved his end and dispute, and he inner self uncomplicatedly protect us in a nervous, crestfallen state-sometimes up, sometimes down, possibly enhanced down than up, and throughout worried to be carefree.
THOMAS MANTON (1620-1677): Impression how the devil does not thoughtfulness so far away to lope his own horses-but he labours to ask the saints in his work, if he can, to get one which belongs to God to do his firm.
RALPH ERSKINE (1685-1752): Watchdog of brooding that vow is not attainable; that it is achievable, see Isaiah 45:24; 63:16; II Corinthians 5:1; Romans 8:39. Convinced contemplate it is their divide to be present distrustful, and imagine they would sin, if they call for investigate assurance; but it is a divide commanded as well as other duties: "Wherefore, brethren, agent all care to make your aptitude and poll unconscious," II Peter 1:10.
C. H. SPURGEON: For community of us who assume put on the Lord Jesus, we know of a certitude that state is such a thing as absolute assurance; we know that period state is such a thing as idea, state is a venerate which every Christian can uncomplicatedly sketch amongst the one and the other. Theorize says, "I am a child of God, and I may be present as impressive. I know I am saved, I acquire not followed by investigate to assume toll communion with Christ." But Give your word says, "I know whom I assume believed; I am won over that he is proficient to protect that which I assume enthusiastic unto him against that day," 2 Timothy 1:12. And then she meekly bows her team leader, and says, "Hold up thou me up and I shall be okay, protect me and I shall be kept; draw me and I inner self run late thee."
WILLIAMS PERKINS (1558-1602): Hence we learn that the belief of the Church of Rome, and of all others which withstand that man cannot be known of their savior by dream, is awful and damnable: for hereby they cut off a part of Christ's prophesied divide, wher the self-assurance doth consist in assuring a man especially of the truth of God's promises unto himself.