Shamash 25
"Shaman stones summary:"
01. Gorge - moqui stone
02. RAVEN - peak yard stone [mauve flowering shrub / bedroom window as a child]
03. DEER - deer bay fire agate
04. BLODEUWEDD (Glow) - jet (witch's amber, black amber)
05. BLODEUWEDD (OWL) - additional yard stone [similarity 1, cubicle wall]
06. BUTTERFLY - third yard stone [similarity 2, cubicle wall]
07. Twilight Superwoman - lime
08. Match OF Skill - tektite
09. TOAD - offshoot stone from wood
10. Gun down - crimson
11. Superwoman Human being - blue cobalt
12. UNICORN - unlimited (serpentine)
13. FAERIE COW - whole uncut geode
14. Storm - moldavite
15. Child - hagstone
16. HARE - amber
17. GRYPHON (KRUVIM) - herkimer quadrilateral
18. WEASEL - black obsidian
19. DOG - carrollite in vivid dolomite
20. DRAGON - labradorite
21. Swagger - salrose in cobaltian calcite clatter
22. PATHWALKER - witch's sensation
23. MOUSE - moonstone
24. MERMAID (TACHASH, DUGONG) - aqua figure quartz, set of 3
25. ARTH (Remove) - peridot crystal
26. PENGUIN - tourmalated white quartz
27. FAERIE Note - green moss agate
28. GARGOYLE (GOLEM) - carnelian
29. Snooty Exclude - agatized coral
30. Shimmering Get-up-and-go - creedite on fluorite
31. THE Affairs - magnificence blue sodalite with calcite veins
32. THE Numinous Word (Leafy Fee) - lilac (bloodstone)
33. Stasher - chrysoprase
34. Catlike - chrysoberyl cat's eye
35. THE KEY - natural be partial to citrine clatter
36. UNKNOWING - quantum quattro
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