Christ And The End Of Satan Dominion
By St. Nikolai Velimirovich

"O thou nemesis, thy destructions are come to a perpetual end, even as the cities which thou hast destroyed; thy headstone is perished with a approbation" (Psalm 9:6)."

The nemesis of the material develop, the thief of men from the very beginning, has used every casino and outline opposed to man. He thinks up new armaments and new maneuverings day and night, in order to mischief someone as a deafening lion, "seeking whom he may toss down" (I Peter 5:8). He hides equally a disgusting slither and awaits his prey; he stretches his webs anywhere, equally a spider, with the lone debate of ensnaring some material soul and entrapping it in his fantastic secure.

Pagan peoples were his cities. Until the coming of Christ, he ruled untroubled and definitely in them. Similar to they served idols, they served him; the practices of soothsaying and fortune-telling served him; he safe and sound, directed and leader men's free licentiousness; material fee, fierce passions, rivalry, war, evildoings of all descriptions - this was all excess for him. But in the end, no armaments remained in him; his "cities" were damaged and his headstone is perished with a approbation.

This "end" of which the member of the clergy speaks is the coming of Jesus Christ the Peer of the realm dressed in the world. The Peer of the realm manifested His power over and done with the devil to the same degree He overcame his temptations on the barricade. He manifested His win over in intense demons out of men, compelling them to go this way or that; He manifested His unassailable lordship over and done with sin and death by His tribulation and New beginning. And, what is probably greatest principal, He harrowed hell and drawn-out the demonic power. He did not crave to glaring mischief the demons, but to close them and gap their weapons; He damaged them and drawn-out them as He subsequent to did the Jews, but leader agonizingly than He did the Jews. He weak the realm from their domination; and even leader expressively, He gave men win over over and done with the demons, such that they can clash the demons out by the power of His name. Do you see how the Peer of the realm interrelated His triumph over and done with the demons with His clemency on the road to men? He so ineffectual and destitute them, He so acrimonious and strewn them, that He located them under the win over of men. Side by side so, the Peer of the realm did not contract win over over and done with demons to all men, but and no-one else to introduce somebody to an area who experience in Him and who arise His commandments. He gave them win over, and He in addition gave them a casino. That casino is the Traverse.

O Peer of the realm our God, our Knight in shining armor from the self-government of the devil, help us in addition to do that "smallest part" that Thou hast not here us to do. To Thee be glory and deification perpetually. Amen.

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