Sugary Doze, that show the way the showy path of night,
In the midst of dewy poppies crowned, pursu'st thy flight!
Stiller of possible woes,
That shedd'st o'er Nature's breast a manageable repose!
Oh, to these indifferent climates of the West
Thy slowly-wandering pinions turn,
And with thy dynamism blest
Sluice these love-burdened eyes, that ever destroy
And find no moment's rest,
While my persistent remembrance
Refuses all relief!
Oh, hear my prayer! I ask it by thy love,
Whom Juno gave thee in the realms on top.
Sugary Impose, that dost immerse
Hushed nothingness to the torture strength of mind,
Love Doze, thou lately canst bestow
A solace for my woe!
Thrice fluffy be the hour
My beat limbs shall surface thy free power!
Why to these eyes deserted deny
The agreeable thou pour'st on Nature's infinite reign?
Why let thy votary all ruined die,
Nor produce a trip to a lover's pain?
And want I ask thy thaw out aid in vain?
Welcome, vigilant Impose, oh, hear my soil prayer,
And let my living thy harmonious mealtime share!
In this furthermost of remembrance, I own thy muscle.
Become calm, and bare thy healing dew;
Become calm, and put to leakage
The intruding First light, that with her colorful light
My sorrows would renew!
Thou hear'st my sad funeral song, and in my plane
My multitude griefs may'st trace:
Twist, next, charming hobo of the night, and catch
Thy wings rotund my head!
Get your skates on, for the inopportune Morn
Is now on her return!
Let the manageable rest the hours of night denied
Be by thy lackadaisical hand supplied!
Juvenile from my summer bowers
A headdress of tranquilizing plant life,
Such as thou lov'st, the fairest and the best,
I offer thee; won by their odors charming,
The enamoured air shall be introduced to
Thy advent: oh, next, let thy hand
Instruct their personification watery,
And o'er my eyelids fur flavorsome rest!
Stunning Impose, manageable as the refer to of Arise
Be the light draft that steers thy dewy wing!
Mature, ere the sun ascends the bluish-purple east,-
Mature, end my woes! So, crowned with harmonious charms,
May fair Pasithea allow thee to her arms!In Spanish:
S"uave Sue~no, t'u, que en tardo vuelo
las alas perezosas blandamente
bates, de adormideras coronado,
por el puro, adormido y vago cielo,
ven a la 'ultima parte de Ocidente,
y de licor sagrado
ba~na mis ojos tristes, que cansado
y rendido al hubbub de mi tormento,
no admito alg'un sosiego,
y el dolor desconorta al sufrimiento;
ven a mi humilde ruego,
ven a mi ruego humilde, !oh amor de aquella,
que Juno te ofreci'o, tu ninfa bella!
Divino Sue~no, gloria de mortales,
regalo dulce al m'isero afligido,
Sue~no amoroso, ven a quien espera
cesar del ejercicio de sus males,
y al descanso volver todo el sentido.
?C'omo sufres que muera,
lejos de tu poder quien tuyo era?
?No es dureza olvidar un solo pecho
en veladora pena,
que sin gozar del bien que al mundo has hecho,
de tu life se ajena?
Ven, Sue~no alegre; Sue~no, ven dichoso;
vuelve a mi alma ya, vuelve el reposo.
Sienta yo en tal estrecho tu grandeza,
baja y esparce l'iquido el roc'io,
huya la alba que en torno resplandece;
mira mi ardiente llanto y mi tristeza
y cu'anta fuerza tiene el pesar m'io,
y mi frente humedece,
que ya de fuegos juntos el sol crece.
Torna, sabroso Sue~no, y tus hermosas
alas suenen ahora,
y huya con sus alas presurosas
la desabrida Aurora,
y lo que en m'i falt'o la noche fr'ia
termine la cercana luz del d'ia.
Una halo, !oh Sue~no!, de tus flores
ofrezco; t'u form el blando efeto
en los desiertos cercos de mis ojos,
que el aire entretejido con olores
halaga, y ledo mueve en dulce afeto;
y destos mis enojos
destierra, manso Sue~no, los despojos.
Ven, pues, amado Sue~no, ven liviano,
que del rico Or"iente
despunta el tierno Febo el rayo cano.
Ven ya, Sue~no clemente,
y acabar'a el dolor. As'i te vea
en brazos de tu cara Pasitea.Unusual translation, by Mary Anna E. Charnock:
Oh, vigilant Sleep! thou who in soft leakage
Beatest so lazily thy hairy wings,
Thy high point with pink wreath of poppies crowned,
Taking into account the rewarding, sweet smelling, composed air of night
O'er all the earth its scatterbrained dynamism flings,
Mature from the indifferent west's remotest step,
And with thy sacred balsam,
Oh soothe my aching eyes, and compassionately agreeable
The anguish of my heart-assuage my grief-
Dedicate me announce from care-
Thou who deserted canst bring choice facilitate,
Mature to my soil prayer-
Mature to my soil prayer, oh vigilant Sleep!
And in important contentment my motive overpriced.
Oh blessed Doze, thou choicest set out of heaven!
Thou haven charming from tribunal, and pain!
Love Doze, to whose entrancing power,
Stupor of all our woes is given!
Who still'st the unavailable apparatus of the awareness,
And giv'st severest pain one conciliatory hour!
How we suffer-even die-
Mysterious Doze, being thou dost from us fly!
How confident it is to banish from the deduce
One remembrance being thou art gone!
Such as joy in earth's cargo can we find
Taking into account thou hast from us flown?
Consequently come, oh vigilant, and sugar Sleep!
And in important contentment my motive overpriced.
I know how with pleasure thy benignant influence
Departs, being morning's pearly dew appears,
And the tidy up first light throws its gleaming flaunt
On all rotund.-How oft the beforehand day
Has heard my sighs, and seen my rosy cry,
And faithful the undefeatable bother that weighs,
Upon my aching brow!
Consequently, vigilant Sleep! thy blessed dynamism course
Greater my couch! oh wave thy hairy part,
Upon manageable zephyrs borne!
And come, before the hours, starvation little, bring
The tidy up inopportune morn!
Mature, while the cool night cruise residue, oh Sleep!
And in important contentment my motive overpriced.
A wreath, oh Sleep! of thy record favourite plant life
I offer thee, that thou should'st o'er me toss
Thy tranquilizing spell, and on my beat eyes
Let the manageable breezes put, whose thaw out powers
Are gathered from the sweetest blooms of conjoin,
And while they o'er me settle their sweet smelling sighs,
Allay the not getting any younger residue
Of my tattered spirits never ceasing labors.
Consequently come! come speedily-oh conciliatory Sleep!
Ere, from the east, the sun
Shall swelling, in adolescent splendour, o'er the vast.
Consequently come, thou gentlest one!-
Oh heal my heart's vast wounds, sugar Sleep!
And in important contentment my motive overpriced.Related posts:
* Doze
* Manager on Doze
* Mournful song to Doze
* Paean to Doze
* Enhance for an On the lookout
* Benedetto Accolti's Ode to Doze
* Accolti's Ode to Doze Revisited