Corn Bread Ear Sticks Cover
Purchase an iron mold shaped like little ears of corn in flea markets or kitchen supply shops, or look in grandma's kitchen wherever she keeps her bakeware - there just might be one there already! Grease lightly and preheat in a 425 degree oven.


* 3/4 cup Flour
* 3/4 cup Yellow Corn Meal
* 1/4 cup Sugar
* 3/4 teaspoon Salt
* 2 teaspoons Baking Powder
* 2 Eggs
* 1 cup Milk (or Buttermilk if you prefer)
* 1/4 cup Shortening

Sift dry ingredients together. Add milk, eggs, shortening, and beat until smooth. Pour into preheated and greased molds and bake 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.

Recipe by StormWing

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