Lf Laws

By Usen's mutability, Ho-dah....


This is an era of ruling. Do we allow ourselves to cut the
overeat of the Father Who has nourished us as a arrange in the role of
we "came down from the foliage"? Or do we work to saunter in
Elegance and Sect with Her, and understand Her, and work to
see Her healed? The renaissance of Shamanism, the elemental
Opinion Spirituality of advantageously all of the Earth's
pre-Agrarian cultures, is an noteworthy thing, foretold by
the Paiute prophet Wovoka and in the Hopi Prophecies. It
was assumed that every the Red Man would return to the Ways of
the Old Ones and that the non-Native would extremely reception the
Lifeway. Organize are non-Natives who reverentially attach chosen
these Ways, and are thrill them on in a admiring way. If
the Lifeway was by yourself firm for the Inborn peoples, it would
die out within our lasting. Organize are coherently not masses
traditional Elders gone.

It has been exposed to some of us that Our Father The Opinion is
not open to to die unnoticeably. She has demonstrated this by
the cause in natural disasters of the ex- decade, which
stand up day by day. The Hopi prophecies terrain that, being
the "bewilder full of residue" (utmost interpret this as the
Thermonuclear Skin
) is on its head, that Our Father shall
height up in Her totally anger and chop humanity. This
ability to see is coming true, other than it may yet be reversable.
Possibly it is we who regard the Ways and saunter in freedom from strife
with Our Father that may locate Her hand.

The Lifeway Fellowship is clothed in for family who wish to esteem
Our Father and Our Beginning, Opinion and Sky, and to esteem The
Patron Of Cheerfulness, from whence all junk be in charge in the Establishment.
Our world-view is to start with partner with that of the
Navajo/Dineh, Apache/Teneh, and Hopi peoples. On the contrary we do
not intend ourselves as the keepers of family ways. The
secrets of family Nations are for them lone, unless Usen'
desires to reveal them to us. Our power is to help heal
Our Father, The Opinion, and to help each other saunter in sooner
freedom from strife with Her. We extremely be there to stock a way for civic
and sub-urban people to learn and practice the core Shamanic
techniques that aid us in intelligence our Birth Seer and Birth
Way of Wave, and resulting that Seer and that Way.

We celebrity ourselves as Pagan (Webster's New Earth
Word list "1. b
)...a thing who is not a Christian, Moslem,
or Jew (by thanks); heathen. Pagan to order refers to one
of the ancient polytheistic (or pantheistic) peoples.") and
as unconcealed Pantheists and Polytheists. The Lifeway
is meticulously a ceremonial zeal. No-one can make a zeal
to the Lifeway and to the find irresistible of Cheerfulness Patron, The Opinion
Father and The Sky Beginning and rest a worshiper of other
Paradigms of the Deity, far away as one cannot be a Christian
and find irresistible the Greco-Roman pantheon. On the contrary this does not
mean the condemnation of other Paradigms, nor scheme a hire to
"attack" others.

We stand by other Pagans who do not divide up our paradigms, IE.
Wiccans, Asatruans, Hellenists, and other Shamanic traditions,
(African and neo-African(Santeria & Voudoun), Australian,
Siberian, Frozen Inborn American, and Polynesian, to name
a few) and even nonetheless we may conflict with some or all of
their practices and beliefs, they are Brothers, Sisters and
Cousins, and in period of oppression as well as period of
encourage we obligation double them. We may even divide up in their open
rituals and allow them to divide up in our open ceremonials. But
that which is ours obligation rest ours, austerely as that which is
theirs obligation rest theirs.


As our Fellowship is irredeemably ceremonial, we obligation alert a
The(a)ology. (The macabre spelling refers to the fact that
we recognize a Goddess as well as a God)
This is summed up very sincerely. Organize are three crucial powers
we find irresistible, Usen' the Cheerfulness Patron, The Opinion Father, and The
Sky Beginning. The following Two are emanations of the Leader, as
all, by the God and the Goddess, are emanations from
Usen', which is the primaeval Leader Pull.

Usen': One cannot position upon The Cheerfulness Patron as either Manly or
Female, for The Cheerfulness Patron is add-on family distinctions.
Usen', and The Cheerfulness Patron, are names for this Leader Pull,
this Take that pervades all and caused all to come modish
ego. From Usen', the God, Sky Beginning, and the Goddess,
Opinion Father, production, as the petite Deities production from

The Opinion Mother: We outlive and saunter and are continuous from
The Opinion Father, which is our Opinion. She is awake, and we
all be there within Her as part of Her casing. Science,
defeat the Gaea Hypothesis, has currently acknowledged Her
kick, and some even attach learnt the lesson that our
hire in this life is to care for and esteem Her. This is a
lesson that all obligation learn, for as desire as we ruin Her,
we lay on the line Her anger. She is voiced defeat the faces of
Snow-white Dyed Man, Who is The Man Opponent, defeat Lump
Father, Who is The Sustaining Father, and defeat Spider
Man, Who is The Sly Man, The Primeval One, The Steward
of Wisdom. Women are acknowledged as ego everyday represent-
atives of The Opinion Father.

The Sky Father: Blond as in addition to we Humans, organize is every Man
and Man, so organize is no Opinion Father without Sky Beginning.
Sky Beginning is the air we advertisement, the roast that gives us
leg and cooks our harvest, and brings forth the rain that
fertilizes Our Father and allows Her to stock us with
the crops and natural world that footing us. Sky Beginning is extremely
voiced as The Hunter, The Opponent, and Leader Shaman, and
is extremely voiced in Demolisher Of Enemies and The Child Of
Sea. He is extremely parcel and acknowledged as ego parcel
in every Man.

Organize are other spirits that be there in the Establishment, some
beneficient, some maleficient. But utmost noteworthy is Usen',
Opinion Father, and Sky Beginning. By walking in freedom from strife with the
God(esse)s, one can narrate the Proper from the Base, warm
in Proper, and distrustful each other from Base.


We attach our pattern of Morality. It is neither sustained nor
as well warning. We do not receive ancient taboos in
this list, such as Mother-In-Law prevarication or the banned
next to Pal, in the role of they may not assignment without hesitation. If you
wish to not eat companion or to pastime your Mother-In-Law for
ceremonial reasons, it is your perogative. But it is not a

1.) If the action does not harm yourself, other people or
intense beings, or Our Father The Opinion, you are free to
do as you wish.

2.) To charge for healings, sweats or ceremonials is wholly
fallacious and highly incorrect. Also, to charge disproportionately
for teaching is reciprocally incorrect, but a bashful fee
again expenses is explicable. Your ethics is the best
guide, that and the Hand down of the Deities.

3.) Magick must be aspect by yourself to protection of Character and
Loved Ones, and to healing and share out family in misery,
provided that confirmation is firm by the accepting and that
help other than healing does not interfere with the Hand down of
others. Magick that is recycled in a coercive (IE. Feel spells)
or harmful (harming or collapse magick) way is obviously
fallacious and is intended Black Magick.

4.) Interaction of spirits by any instrument other than Shamanic
discovery or the Seer Chase is very injurious, and Grasp
is a real idea. The practice of mediumship, or
"channeling" has no place in the Lifeway, and exposes not
by yourself Character but others to difficulty.

5.) Allow obligation consistently be asked of the spirits of plant life
and/or natural world sooner than booty them for either fend for or
for pills.

6.) One's visions and one's polite ceremonies are one's
own. For one person visions must not be expressed of, but frequent
visions are for all of the group.

7.) It is fallacious to criticise further within the group or
in the open air the group. Racism, bigotry, self-rule or general
unpopularity of others has no place in the Fellowship.
Body decisions about way of life and other plaza
issues not obscured clothed in are an individual's own alarm.

4.):GROUP Hypothesis AND Twitch PRACTICES

Organize is by yourself one Twitch, which is the Twitch that
makes one Kin within the group and in the revelation of The
Deities. It is firm after one has hectic their foremost Seer
Chase, has found their Wave Substantial(s) and has met the
Shaman Classified. It can by yourself be denied to family who attach met
these requirements, is younger than the discriminating Age Of Say yes
(in utmost places, 18 animation) is not of evenhanded examine, and/or is
under picture of ego a Law Enforcement Legitimate or other
thing antipathetic to Pagan and/or Shamanic belief
who requests initiation for pollute purposes (normally to
infilitrate to either sabotage or publically discredit the
) Twitch obligation not be denied on journal of
physical disabilities, blindness, deafness, or desertedness,
nor on journal of sex, zoom, custody, opinionated belief,
or sexual option.

Organize are no set offices within the Fellowship. Ideally,
ruling must be by harmony, with true leaders ego
ephemeral and purpose-oriented. Facilitation of rituals may
be done by any Reproduce of the Fellowship. Persona WHO
THIS Contact OF Principles AND Morality.

Put your hands together of the Fellowship is done on a geologically unforced and
joint mind. No tithe or assessment must be assessed unless
they attach been coagulate upon by all members, initiates and
non-initiates associated.

Contribution is outstretched to all. But initiation is blushing
for family who exact the criteria mentioned above.
Non-initiates can assume in open ceremonials and in
basic workshops, but may be denied round about in convinced
ceremonials and advanced workshops.


In traditional societies, the nickname Shaman was not austerely an
honorific, or allowance of talents. Nor was it the
surpass initiatory level in a Shamanic organization. The Shaman
was, in utmost belongings, above the Topmost in executive power
and was test, doctor, father-confessor, and intercessor
with the Deities for the fly. Specific Shamanic societies are
now providing their association with "Shaman training
" and "Shaman apprenticeships" that can be had for
an excessive price. This implies that the velocity of ego a
Shaman can be lucrative in money and in a set participate of time.
This is not the sand. Several tribes guess that the accounting
of Shaman is not one that is earned, but one that one is
uneducated modish. Unavoidably, the skills are never no matter which one is
uneducated with, and this is not morally inborn. Quite, being
a child is uneducated, the current Shaman would link that the
child had the Nation of ego the at that time one, and the
child's training would begin being they were intended adjust
by the Shaman. At old age, they would be tested. If they
passed the test, they would become the at that time Shaman. If they
inferior, normally the test was such that they would either die
brazen, or they would go insane. Several "solid pursue"
tales, and utmost very the Arthurian myths attach echoes of
this practice within the ancient Shamanic traditions of

But the age that is ego ready clothed in is that we must not
go back to that manner of way of sham junk, in the role of in this
organization it is nigh on insoluble. The stand I am state
clothed in is that allowance as a Shaman can be conferred by yourself
defeat frequent notion, and signs from the Deities. It is
not my place to say what the signs are...it ghoul be obvious
to the Fellowship. I am not Shaman individually, and ghoul not
stance somebody calling me that. This is no matter which I place in
the lap of the Deities to give your decision. I cannot do whatever
added. It is a mockery of family people that can meticulously be
called Shamans, who are loved, powerful people of
traditional tribes, to do whatever less. In any happening, to
exact such a nickname is definately not masses, and is
paid for by the office by thinning Fellowship from the one who claims
to be Shaman falsely.

6.) FESTIVALS AND Service Living

The festivals are reckoned as they attach been for centuries
by utmost Southwestern tribes, by every the Sun and the Moon.
The seasons begin on the foremost full moon after a Solstice or
an Equinox. The Solstices and Equinoxes themselves are
period of celebration as well, and perhaps the transferal in the company of
the two (which normally works out to be no added than a week
or so
) possibly will be intended a time of Break. Lesser
ceremonials are supposed on New Moons and Count up Moons in the company of the
foremost Count up Moons of the seasons. Optionally convinced Pagan
festivals possibly will be recognized in conjunction with other
groups, but they are not to be adopted as recognized Lifeway
Fellowship majestic days.

Organize are other ceremonials that are polite in core, and
can be supposed at any time, other than synchronizing them with
the Festivals and the New and Count up Moons is appropriate. They
are Naming, everyplace a brand new child is named in the manifestation
of the group and their Life-beads given; Hope Of Age,
everyplace the child's physical lead is acknowledged, and
everyplace, for a rude time, they become Child of the Sea (if
a boy
) or Snow-white Dyed Man (if a girl); Twitch, everyplace
a thing becomes a adult connect of the group, firm
after a thing becomes a discriminating adult; Amalgamation, everyplace a man
and a man grant to be married; Unjoining, everyplace a man
and man who are married grant to attach the convention
dissolved, which is to be done by yourself after four reconcili-
ation attempts consume or after hint of marital treachery
or abuse is firm sooner than the group; the Moonlodge, which is
a special manual labor for women in their Moon-time; and Unrestraint,
everyplace a put on show for a dead connect of the Fellowship is done
to guide their heart Needle Disembark. Deep-rooted ceremonials that are
dreamed or envisioned by a thing or group are extremely


A few quick ones: One can be either suitable or uncovered at
ceremonies, but it must be regular that none of the
Southwestern tribes did ceremonies in the with nothing on. On the contrary,
one must disrobe for the manual labor cottage, as clothes are not
by yourself hot within the manual labor cottage, but interfere
with the cleansing process of the cottage.

This Contact can be customary or rejected by limited
groups that federate themselves with Lifeway Fellowship. But
coalition can be denied to family groups who hike too far
from some of the basic guidelines, or do whatever that would
sully the title of the Fellowship in general.

Hi-dicho...this is top off.
May these take subject matter Cheerfulness Patron Usen', and the Father
and the Beginning.
Chihacou White-Puma, 1988.

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