How To Make A Poultice And Compress Cover
Poultices and compresses are the preferred method of herbal healers treating outer wounds, bruises, and sore muscles.

To make a poultice, crush fresh herbs and spread on a piece of cheesecloth or gauze that has been folded into 3 or 4 layers. Place the poultice, herb-side down onto the affected area. Generally speaking, a poultice should only remain on a wound for 10 20 minutes, unless otherwise stated.

To make a heated poultice, steam the herbs for 5 minutes over a pot of boiling water. Spread the herbs onto cheesecloth that has been folded 3-4 times and place on affected area. To retain heat, cover area with a towel. The heated poultice should be changed every 20 minutes or when cooled. These are the best poultices for sore or aching muscles.

To make a compress, soak a cloth in strong tea or tincture. Wring the cloth out and apply to the affected area. Use a bandage or plastic wrap to hold in place.

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