We looked at the Osiris symbolism in fix to the imagine, but donate is also the over instantly recognizable Christian symbolism as well, itself preceded (if not resulting) from the Isis and Osiris Mysteries. But Osiris/Asar and his equivalents (Ashur, Anshar, Ahura, Arthur), and his group Isis/Aset and her equivalents (Asherah, Astarte, Ishtar, Inanna, etc), as well as his son Horus/Heru and his equivalents (Helu/Helios, Surya, Mitra, Heracles/Hercules) are themselves submerged from even over ancient archetypes from Sumer and other cultures in Mesopotamia. Natives antecedents themselves press be mythologized renderings of even before literature.
When you elevation at the iconography of these statistics, you can't help but hoarding that A., a lot of them are winged, B.. others are acknowledged with carried by the wind disks or boats, and C., many of them are united with unnatural apparatuses that elevation akin apparatus.
Which in this day and age makes the whole viewpoint of studying these literature a bit moody, having the status of if you even bring up the direction that these statistics may not transfer been "gods" but technological-advanced extraterrestrials, you semblance the viewpoint of since still acknowledged a heretic by the statistical start. Level even as the science for AAT exists - at bare minimum in paradigm - by this chance.
Level so, starting with Charles Fort, up not later than Daylight of the Magicians and Chariots of the Gods?, dissenting freethinkers transfer been looking at the ancient myths in the context of modern science and drawing the instantly recognizable parallels. And for that reason "Old Astronaut Ideology" was innate.
AAT was done in the 70s (TV stars akin Rod Serling and William Shatner also starred in AAT documentaries), but subsequently a astonishing thing happened: at the utter time that AAT gathered expansion, hundreds of millions of dollars - if not billions- began dynamic fashionable Fundamentalist saintly movements, as well as fashionable very powerful telecopes and other space detection apparatus.
For that reason an armed forces of in name only "skeptics" arose bashing memes akin AAT, but remarkably avoiding any derision of lasting (read: carcass) saintly systems. Support them was a coterie of Fundamentalist design theorists who demonized not right UFOs and AAT, but UFO and (particularly) AAT researchers as well. Virtually as if someone hunted to study this mystery but scare a person as well off.
Abundant unrelated phenomena? In all probability.
But here's the thing- behind schedule time of near-total invisibility AAT has begun creeping back fashionable TV shows, movies and video games in the later few time, synchronized with the implosion of the Fundamentalist walk in America. Combination again? Level interloper, we've also heard pronouncements from the Vatican about the spiritual compassionate of ETs, even even as they've not specialized us any agency that held ETs exist.
So carry on rendezvous we looked at all of this in light of all of the Sirius double-entendre and Phoenix symbolism confused about. I held carry on rendezvous that donate seemed to be a unconscious misfortune to comprehend Obama with Emperor Tut, which no question was confirmed on his Egypt trip. Assuming this isn't all unbroken destiny, it may in fact speak to an insecurity on the part of some of these players- ritual treatment is ordinarily the result of hassle.
Cargo space it a foreboding, but I reasonably consider that the PTB transfer no real implication what's departure with UFOs or with the direction of curious visitation, but akin the rest of us they stroke everything press be coming. I won't argument here whether that stroke is totally or not, but the swell to build all of this new space hardware appearing in a worldwide profitable bankruptcy may well be a contigency move, at the very bare minimum. I've been not later than all of this until that time, so I'm not organized to make any predictions. Half while predictions on UFOs are sensibly consistently wrong and in some measure while I've no real implication what's departure on.
So what does this crazy-talk transfer to do with I Am Legend? Efficiently, we looked at Bestow Smith here until that time, and the specific associates to Horus in his superhero (read:Heru) imagine Hancock. And we looked at the Osiris symbolism in I Am Footer, or at bare minimum the Osiris parallels. Total that some of the exceptionally kinfolk are obscure in also movies, it's not weird to frighten if the two movies are assistant pieces.
What's indicative here is that Osiris was seen as the artist of culture in the ancient mythology, and was normally acknowledged with Oannes, the fish refuse god of the Persian Gulf that we've also looked at. Also these literature estimate fashionable the AAT continuum (as well as John the Baptist lore, which we'll elevation at separate time).
And if you elevation once more at the basic ploy of IAL, you can make the paddle that it's an Intervention Ideology allegory: an curious scientist using genetic developed to do philosophy mortal beings out of mad protohominds, astute as Neville is unrewarding to do with the zombie/vampires in IAL.
Once again, that's my privileged interpretation, but not an weird one. Let's at bare minimum discharge that the parallels are donate, carefully or not.
Now, back to the Obama synchronicity in Norway. All of this Sirius work began for me with Obama's drive, and the unnatural UFOs see-through bordering the Franklin Build (but I saw the Tut strut in Philadelphia) appearing in an Obama collect. And now we transfer separate odd - if not unexplainable - satellite dish fixation over and done with the skies of Norway four-sided figure before to his peacefulness of the Nobel hold dear. No matter which which I'm undemanding to say kinfolk are for the most part incredulous of. But we restrained don't know it was and we restrained don't know what it press transfer certain to whomever was reliable for it. Wouldn't it be astonishing if it was in fact some uplifting of extraterrestrial manifestation?
Together indicative for my syncstream was the wall painting under which Obama delivered his script. Not right did it picture decidely non-Norwegian looking blue-skinned deities, but the framework was satisfactorily redolent of Egyptian murals, particularly individuals that depicted at all arrangements in a tiered sort, all lorded over and done with by the gods who are normally situated in the exceptionally speckle that individuals unnatural low down creatures were as well. Again- possibly all a destiny, but the coincidences sanctuary buttress up, don't they?
Seeing that also intent me is the sync of Bestow Smith category nominated with Obama in Oslo and subsequently his odd account that "the implication of Obama" represented an "evolutionary flashpoint for the human race." I restrained transfer no implication what he certain by that and I can't help but frighten if it was scripted by somebody as well.
But for our purposes it ties stanch fashionable also Intervention Ideology (justly) and I Am Footer (figuratively)- the genetic renovation of mad prehumans fashionable philosophy mortal beings unquestionable represents an 'evolutionary flashpoint', no? And once more, the parallels to Sirius symbolism with the two celebrities is more readily spectacular in the major memestream we're wading in here.
But while working on all of this I immediately remembered separate cite to the Stairway that we've looked at in the later, and how that ties fashionable this major constellation of symbolism and statistical theorize. Enter back tomorrow and sanctuary your seatbelts fixed firmly.