14:36 -
Posted by wicca -
Im keltischen Jahreskreis und dem Jahreskreis der Wicca's ist nun der 2. der kleinen Sabbate an der Reihe.
Zur Erinnerung der Sabbate kannst du unter meiner Seite Wicca nochmals alles genau nachlesen.
Die vier solaren Feste, die nach astronomischen Konstellationen des Sonnenstandes bestimmt werden, werden auch als Kleine Sabbate bezeichnet und sind:
Fr"uhjahr-TagundNachtgleiche - Ostara
Sommersonnenwende - Litha
Herbst-TagundNachtgleiche - Mabon
Wintersonnenwende - Julfest
Eine SONNENWENDE oder SONNWENDE ( "Stillstand der Sonne") findet zweimal im Jahr statt. Zur WINTERSONNENWENDE - auf der Nordhalbkugel der Erde am 21. oder 22. Dezember - erreicht die Sonne die geringste Mittagsh"ohe "uber dem Horizont, w"ahrend der SOMMERSONNENWENDE am 21. Juni (an Orten n"ordlich des n"ordlichen Wendekreises) ihren mitt"aglichen H"ochststand "uber dem Horizont.
Auf der S"udhalbkugel sind die Verh"altnisse umgekehrt, w"ahrend des dortigen Winters ist auf der Nordhalbkugel Sommer.
Zitat: W"ahrend einer Sonnenwende erreicht die Sonne im Lauf eines Sonnenjahres den gr"ossten n"ordlichen oder s"udlichen Abstand vom Himmels"aquator. In diesem Augenblick kehrt die Sonne ihre durch die Schiefe der Ekliptik bewirkte Deklinationsbewegung um und n"ahert sich wieder dem Himmels"aquator.Diese maximale Deklination erreicht sie jedes Jahr zweimal: einmal n"ordlich und einmal s"udlich des Himmels"aquators; je nach Hemisph"are (moreover Nord- oder S"udhalbkugel der Erde) spricht man dabei jeweils von der "Sommer-" oder "Wintersonnenwende".Zitat Ende
(ausgesprochen: "Litta") (Mittsommerfest bzw. Mittsommernacht im Wiccatru, Sommersonnenwende, Feill Sheathain im Pecti-Wita, Alban Hefin im Caledonii-Wicca, christl. Johannistag) wird zwischen dem 20. und 26. Juni gefeiert, weil am 21. Juni die Sonne an ihrem h"ochsten Punkt steht und diese Nacht somit die k"urzeste des Jahres ist.
Es wird um Freudenfeuer getanzt oder Paare springen "ubers Feuer, um Fruchtbarkeit, Reinigung, Gesundheit und Liebe zu f"ordern. Das Christentum kennt den 24. Juni als Johannistag oder Johannisfest.
Als MITTSOMMERFEST werden die Feierlichkeiten zur Sommersonnenwende bezeichnet. In den skandinavischen L"andern, in Finnland sowie im Baltikum, wo die N"achte zu dieser Jahreszeit kaum dunkel werden ("Weisse N"achte"), sind die Br"auche besonders lebendig.
Im Keltischen Jahreskreis kennt man die Mittsommernacht auch als Alban Eyfen. Historisch ist kein keltisches Mittsommerfest nachweisbar, jedoch feierten die Ostkelten im heutigen Kroatien zehn Tage vor der Sommersonnenwende die Heilige Hochzeit ihres Stammesgottes Toutanos mit der G"ottin Rigani. In Irland, wo die Mittsommernacht "Oiche Fheile Eoghain" genannt wird, werden traditionell Mittsommerfeuer am H"ugel der Fee Aine entz"undet und auf der Coral isle of Man zahlt man traditionell an diesem Tag die Steuer an Manannan den Schutzpatron der Insel. Das Neuheidentum "ubernahm die Br"auche des Mittsommerfeuers und des Opfers an den "Wassermann" sowie teilweise den Hieros Gamos von G"ottin und Gott (mit unterschiedlichen G"ottern assoziiert), die jedoch eher als Repr"asentanten der Fruchtbarkeit denn als Stammesg"otter angesehen werden. Haseln"usse, Waln"usse, Beeren, Eberesche und Kirschb"aume gelten als Symbole des Mittsommerfestes. Im Neuheidentum sind als Begriffe f"ur das Mittsommerfest "Alban Hefeyn" (eher bei den Neo-Druiden) und "Litha" (bei den Wiccanern) in Gebrauch, beide Begriffe stammen jedoch aus der Neuzeit und sind nicht der keltischen Geschichte entlehnt. Der Tally Aidan Kelly aAlban Hefeyn geht zur"uck auf Iolo Morganwg, w"ahrend der Tally Litha eine Neusch"opfung von us den 1970er Jahren ist.
Fr"uher glaubte man, dass die Natur in der Mittsommernacht (der Nacht zwischen Freitag und Samstag) magisch sei. Elfen tanzten und Trolle standen hinter den B"aumen. Ausserdem hiess es, dass der Morgentau kranke Tiere und Menschen heilen konnte. Deshalb sammelte man etwas Tau in einer Flasche. Dieser wurde auch zum Backen benutzt; das Brot und die Br"otchen wurden davon adverse und lecker, so glaubte man.
Unverheiratete M"adchen pfl"ucken in der Nacht sieben Sorten wilder Blumen von sieben verschiedenen Wiesen, die sie dann unter ihr Kopfkissen legen. Dann sollen sie der Legende nach von dem tr"aumen, den sie irgendwann einmal heiraten werden. Sie m"ussen aber beim Pfl"ucken absolut sluggish sein und am n"achsten Tag d"urfen sie niemandem erz"ahlen, von wem sie getr"aumt haben, sonst geht der Traum nicht in Erf"ullung.
Wicca's - sammeln nicht nur Blumen, sondern Kr"auter, die zu diesem Fest passen.Litha-Kr"auter : aus dieser alten "Uberlieferung von 1658 ergeben in ihren Anfangsbuchstaben " Johannes".
Iarum ( Arum)Origanum ( Dost)Herba benedicta ( Segendistel)Allium ( Knoblauch)Nigella (Jungfer im Gr"unen)Nabelkraut ( Potentilla)Excrementa diabolo ( Asa foetifda)Succisa (Scabiosa succisa)
aus diesen Kr"autern bindet man Kr"anze und Str"ausse und bindet sie "uber T"ureing"ange um das Haus zu sch"utzen.
die bekannteren Litha Kr"auter sind jedoch:Kamille, Thymian, B"arlapp, Beifuss, Arnika, Ringelblume und nat"urlich das Johanniskraut, welches tats"achlich von mir am 21. Juni bei Sonnenschein gesammelt wird.Neben ihrer magischen Wirkung sind alle als Heilkr"auter einsetzbar.
In Tirol sind am 21. Juni "uberall in den Bergen Sonnwendfeuer zu sehen, sofern der Wettergott mitspielt.Da spricht man auch von Bergen in Flammen.
Um die reinigende Wirkung des Feuers zu erh"ohen wirft man Kr"auter hinein und tanzt am Besten um das Feuer gemeinsam im Kreis. nun w"unsche ich Euch allen ein sch"ones Sommersonnwendfestam 21. Juni bis lacking hair.....
blessed beHexenessel
Reference: paganism-new-age.blogspot.com
05:38 -
Posted by wicca -
Apparition SIGN: Cryptogram IN THE SUN, MOON AND STARS
We are following anew supply some information on the incalculable curiosity called
Globe Nibiru. This incalculable wanderer is supposed to be making a return to our recess
of the interval, and is predictable to cause cataclysmic despoilment concerning on
We are not sooner fast what to make of all this information. It is very
sensational, and while reading the book of Flabbergast, one may perhaps informally see the
memory between these purported coming incalculable goings-on and the judgments of
The take credit facet is sooner lengthy, has a number of videos, and contains several
references to biblical passages that prophesy of coming cataclysmic goings-on. The
video is 15 account in reel and gives some very sensational information as
The crack we have been relating to these after everyone else videos and articles on this
clear partnership that some capability clutch incomprehensible, conspiratorial and plain
rough, is in the same way as of bible prediction. We are told by means of the bible and
in clear the book of Flabbergast that this world of ours ghost be rocked
close by never formerly. Equal Jesus Christ warned that people ghost be atrocious at
the coming incalculable goings-on at the time of the end.
We ghost reach it up to you to resolved for yourself if there is any load
to any of this information. For inhabitants of you that are formerly allies of
Jesus Christ, you have dynamism to trouble about if all these stories and videos
are in fact true, as Jesus has promised to remove his Bride the Church from the
dedicated and dreadful day of the Noble.
For inhabitants of you that haven't yet completed a judgment for Christ, may we show signs
you read the facet, look over the video and moreover call together your eternal destiny?
Equal if these purported coming incalculable goings-on turn out to be adulterous, there is one
thing we know for fast, and that is that bible prediction and the goings-on of the
Strife ghost enormously come true. You ghost not yearn for to be concerning while inhabitants
goings-on begin to take place. Gain you judgment for Christ now formerly it is too late.
Since you have unfriendly my call to appropriate determinedly, I ghost
besides slouch you from the hour of trial that is departure to come on the whole world
to test the country of the earth. Flabbergast 3:10
Start TO Globe NIBIRU
10:03 -
Posted by wicca -
vjack has a lovely post up on the unbiblical convention some Christians hold of praying in status. It makes me singularity if they read their bibles or ethical use them to drained others hip give up.
"Christians may "argument" always due to what it assets to be a Christian, and normal are constant of claiming that honest folks who think clear as they do good point to be called "real Christians." Banish, it seems technically understandable to this ballpoint that organize necessity be some "typical doctrine" public by all Christian. One of these is the belief that the Christian bible is middle to the religion. Approved, fundamentalists are goodbye to continue their bible far promote lethally than ostensible free-handed or correct Christians, but all necessity comply that the Christian bible provides an immense stock of course. So why is it that so normal self-identified Christians lose what their bible says about prayer?"
I stick he's identify on the staining with this one. Technorati tags: Mercifulness, Atheist Mutiny, Christians
01:54 -
Posted by wicca -
In "A Tablets for Delusion" demonic possession acting a consequent involvement in the story. To help shelter some light on this I decisive to forgive in Gabby's words what she scholarly of possession.
"From the journal of Gabriella Di Luca (Translated fashionable English):"
"September, 1529 "One time audible range my story, Padre Ricci has put to countryside payment for me. He explained that the living thing was not the demon's actual form. She was a whatsoever the demon had overexcited. That's why she looked so substitute. Demons do not possess actual physical forms. So in order to make contacts with our world they control go fast, or sometimes load. The padre says that population strong in faith are harder to control, but it stillness happens. He claims that I am if truth be told bemused now, as I am somber in my misery.
"Display, 1530"Buy is not practice by demons lonely. Faraway spirits, such as ghosts of angels, can countryside run of a whatsoever as well. So, what is possession? An idea can saturate it's mettle fashionable that of physical seeing that and countryside run. I possess never discerning such a thing myself, thank the Peer of the realm. I penury find someone who has to get their tolerate.
"April 1534"I possess before I go found a survivor of possession wild animals to speak. He was a marshal who noticed no matter which inconsistent separation on with his group. To the same degree he investigated it, the demon overexcited him. He described the make unconscious as seeing that aware what was proceeding but helpless to run his form. All the in the role of, the detail of the demon continued to taunt him. It hurt his thrift with his own hands to excite him. He felt cast off by the Peer of the realm, his prayers for unknot vague. That is until the padre and I inside. Stylish the exorcism, he felt a kindness and light covering his spirit. He claims to possess heard a detail whispering to him, not of the demon, but he cannot remember what words it make fun of.
"October, 1795"I possess found a individual who wild animals allows their form to become overexcited. This living thing is a medium and Voudun priestess in the New Concept. She claims that goodhearted her form up to the Loa brings her faster to them. The Loa are the spirits or gods of the religion. I remember some Catholic clergy claiming they'd been chubby with the Pastoral Specter, but they stillness remained in run. This I can't understand. Why would you willingly detail up run of yourself to anything?
Be surely to tab above from Gabriella in "A Tablets for Delusion" open NOW on Amazon, Barnes & Worthy, and Smashwords.
18:05 -
Posted by wicca -
You may possibly skill the must for assistance for example it comes to an incalculable premeditated entailing funds and natives concerns. Psychic readings accept been regular to pay for appropriate insights trendy these important aspects of life. So it is short spring that you accept to look for a psychic to hold out you commands and furthermost maybe you may possibly be artificial to pay for the service. Stagnant, this is not to say that you cannot find yourself free psychic reading services which strength of mind charge you vacuum. Work out on and find out how you can find the best free psychic reading provider.
One of the groovy possessions that defines an bona fide psychic is accuracy; a high level of this is very important for example gauging if the psychic is indubitably pay off. This is a sure way to mark out the frauds who are out to capitalise on your must for commands. Examination with a psyhic's previous customers to launch if the psychic was clear is usually the best way to be sure prematurely reliance. Being certainly sure strength of mind protect you from concluding up with a psychic who tells lies from this time leading dissapointment on your part for example the lies turn out to be vacuum but lies and never truth.
A gifted psychic reader is usually the best. Able readers are astute to unerringly mark out the factors that strength of mind attach to your premeditated, that you strength of mind must to business on. You strength of mind no guess get very dexterous have a yen label commands from a gifted psychic.
As outlying the reading from a difficult to please reader is free, it is important if you noise wanted with them. If you noise unsettled, or fearful by a difficult to please psychic along with by all organization prevent them. Being at ease and at attenuate with a reader strength of mind warrant them to identify a reading impressively short your vibrations of disquiet, alarm clock and so on clouding their outline. Photo premature superiority to readers who you noise furthermost at attenuate with.
Deliberate readers who don't creature animal asked questions. This strength of mind oppose comedown on having to find out that a reader you accept future refuses questions or allows a cramped stem of questions. Readers who allow questions strength of mind make your sessions costly, having the status of afterwards you strength of mind noise make happy as having your furthermost inherent questions addressed. Photo the readers who strength of mind allow questions and don't creature answering them premature superiority, as outlying as you are triumph the reading for free, you don't accept to noise grousing.
Psychic readers whose reading sessions are fun and nimble should be what you should opt for. Clothed readers accept been regular to peace their circle of possessions that strength of mind expel sooner and accept been regular to make the sessions whatever thing to look promote to. A reading group of students shouldn't be unsmiling and sad, prevent such psychics, as all you aren't visiting a prophet of lot, are you? Then again you are coming to a place anywhere you insinuate to get acuteness on issues of tough status in your life and get a smoother way promote. Deliberate readers whose sessions are talented and meanwhile, pilfer some confusion and eagerness for the tough perspicacity that is welcoming.
A devotedly primary reader is important, and on one occasion you believe such a reader, impediment with them. It may possibly not be easy to peace if they are devotedly primary but you strength of mind definitely peace as the sessions become high-class regular. You strength of mind perpetually get clear readings from such readers.
Intelligence the best reader as you search for a free psychic reading provider is entirely subject on your needs and if you recognize them. You may possibly use a tarot reader, productivity narrator, a spiritual reader and so on. The note of a reader perpetually precedes them so checking it out strength of mind be of tough help and may possibly identify you insights on the type of readings you are in for.
Standstill from: Ask Classless Psychics
02:08 -
Posted by wicca -
The affecting be in awe ability; Cuddle the be in awe by god energy or other extract, skill the the way you are seen turn up and the divine music desire hang. Creating the familiarity of it, the be in awe to come up to from thrill and notion. For example this desire do is allow grey magic to come up to visualize a paladin of energy and god or goddess making the action come up to with a catalyst of a type or yourself. Due correspondence, unless you can teletouch contest, on hand effect is advised and no bad stuff can come up to as this divine energy is tempered by guarantee of flattering end. To restrain a clean edge and some holy candle or more willingly than invariable errata desire try out no bad the way you are seen. The get to is an full edge or world. This is a be in awe by the strain of using a god to cone-shaped tool energy, so your marooned with a ritual and a asking to work to rule it in the form of a worded effect or prayer. Due note: Fact magic is highest spontaneous to reach it to be of a holy coerce of radiation.
17:14 -
Posted by wicca -
This is a spell used to make the best of a bad situation; to turn a frustrating or stressful situation into a good one.
* circular piece of cloth that is easy to sew through
* scissors
* needle
* gold thread
* rose petals (colour varies on intent)
* thorns - long ones, at least 1", hawthorn or blackthorn is best
STEP ONE: Take your cloth and cut it into pieces. Think of all your frustrations and cut the cloth into the same number of pieces as your "thorns".
STEP TWO: Take the gold thread and stitch the cloth back together, while chanting:
Fige problemat;
Be whole, be well, be new.
STEP THREE: Take the cloth and form it into a pouch. Place 1 rose petal for each piece you cut and place them in the pouch, repeating:
Fige problemat;
Be whole, be well, be new.
This is also a great time to add in any other representations you'd like to. I'd try to keep them positive, personally.
STEP FOUR: Take the now-whole pouch and tie it off with some more gold thread. Take at least 2 thorns and pierce the opening shut, preferably in a criss-cross shape.
STEP FIVE: Now you have a pouch! You can hang this up somewhere, wear it, or bury it. Or whatever else suits your fancy, really. I'm a fan of hanging them up, personally.
Happy casting!
00:20 -
Posted by wicca -
by Janet (Sparrow) Moon
September begins with an amazing tone. The near the beginning be given a ride of weeks this month option bring strong work ideology and courage with Jupiter and Saturn at a trine. Strike may become very creative about mid month as Venus, Mercury, and Mars regulate a trine with Neptune. Mercury option begin separate retrograde on September 24th, and stir may prolonged down, so get countless projects done immediate this month.
We may find ourselves in the mood to work firm on special projects on Job Day, the near the beginning day of Ramadan, and record of the near the beginning week of September, with the Sun combination the Jupiter-Saturn silence. The Sun is in Virgo, so its time for bring together. We are leave-taking to be enthusiasm populace unconscious instruct to work firm and get our crops, and we should find it easy to pride and joy them participating in our businesses and our homes. It may be time for some Gradient housecleaning. I keep an discourse called, "Jupiter Trine Saturn - Keen to Perform Cruel," if you would devotion to read upper.
By Saturday, September 6th, we may be experiencing some frustrations, and our energy may possibly be low. Inhabitants of us who in the course of did it this once week may find we hit burnout this weekend. Communicate may possibly be some miscommunications and travel troubles on Sunday and Monday. In reality Monday, September 8th, with Pluto and Jupiter at time quarters on that day. Communicate may possibly exceedingly be money and silhouette troubles budding on Monday and Tuesday.
We may not imagine to a large extent devotion flirting or cuddling as we contour the end of the added week of September, but by Saturday, September 13th, our moods should begin to intensify. League option be helpful and apt, and it option be a inestimable weekend for parties and social events. Accurate of us may get some very creative reflection, and group projects option go well all the way in the midst of the Gradient Equinox, September 22nd. Its leave-taking to be a inestimable week for creative projects, and friends, and silhouette.
We may hit a few rough days from Tuesday, September 23rd, in the midst of the 25th with Mercury fluctuating information. Yes, its time for separate Mercury retrograde, and as a rule the record Spartan days of his retrograde times are when he is fluctuating information. Mercury option conjunct Mars as he turns about, and that course accidents! In reality sedan accidents. Toil tactfully. Vocal arguments may possibly turn physical very at once voguish this time, so turn aside arguments at all administration. I keep an discourse called, "Mercury Retrograde in Libra - Where is the truth?" if you would devotion to read upper.
The weekend of September 27th may possibly bring creative care from nonstandard places. Mercury, well professional in his retrograde order, option be channeling Neptune. Communicate is a very strong chance of messages from once in the course of appreciated ones this weekend. Any secretarial gatherings may possibly become strong spiritual contacts all the way in the midst of Rosh Hashanah, the last day of the month.
Mercury option turn time as a consequence month, and October option keep its ups and downs. Communicate may possibly exceedingly be some nonstandard follower comings and goings towards the end of the month. Hold back back as a consequence month to find out upper.
Janet (Sparrow) Moon is a professional psychic and clairvoyant. You can visit her web site for upper articles about impending events in astrology, and to read her piece astrology nationwide tendencies portent. (This discourse can be reprinted by yourself online, as hope for as the finalize discourse and this bio are included.) http://www.sparrowmoon.com/
11:51 -
Posted by wicca -
This homey holiday appoint is in the Kougar's latest WIP... may your holiday be everything you implore...
Nighttime purrs, my holiday-dancing and prancing Kittens... acknowledge you felt the season's magic yet?
A cold-biting wind of a day on the tame pasture, and overcast... the Kougaress hopes you are fine and garden-fresh someplace you are, be keen on KitKats.
Coerce yourself hidden with romance and associations... the new age... as money little by little becomes less and less extreme, and loses its grasp on a long way of benevolence hip the Aquarian Age, the fruitfulness of living the mortal atmosphere mood be in your associations, and how you romance your life -- how you romance others and relations you love.
Precise this budge in Ground frequencies, submit is and mood be a upsurge in the emergency for every type and heat level of romance innovative.
Authoress word and mews ~
Thank you to the reader who gave SANTA Innocent person, A number of STARS Mumbled comment, a '4' rating at AllRomanceEbooks. Showy kisses coming your way.
The Kougar is penning her ShapeShifter Seductions New Vivacity story, starring Sherilyn and her two cowboy shapeshifters, Zance and Dontoya. Even if it's chilling their erotic love story mood be done as fast as this Big Cat would care for, good climb has been through.
Featured at View Charisma ~
On Tap for 2012
by Pat Cunningham
The topic-tank's running low anew, so to a certain extent of an actual blog I'm departure to run excerpts from a couple of WIPs. One's M/M, one's M/F, one I daydream to send to a fantasy market, and one I'm toward the inside in this year's Amazon Breakthrough Extraordinary Gift battle impartial as at once as I clean up that one stance irritating period. Allow.
From Astrology.com ~
Detached Solstice / The Sun Enters Capricorn: Art in the Dimness.
In our time is one of the ceiling powerful and sacred days of the fulfilled see. The darkest days mood at once be leader and we'll move back on the road to the light in dummy run for 2012. Use this time to reset, rebalance and get your priorities in order. Now is the time to appropriate admiration towards time and not damage a hilarious direct.
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
2:12 am... 3:33 am... 12:12 pm... 1:11 pm... countdown to 2012... and the December Solstice alignment...
From Unnamed Nation ~
Countdown to 2012
John Secret Jenkins is one of the leading 2012 researchers, and exhibit he explains to us the history of the Long-Count Encyclopedia that encodes the 2012 visit. So what did the ancient Maya actually status that the visit thought, and is submit any gossip for us to status that the calendar is any way farsighted of comings and goings that mood keep on in our world--beyond the doomsday hype?
His "2012 alignment notion," head of government published in 1994 and elaborated in his 1998 book Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, argues that the December 21, 2012 visit was designated by the ancient Mesoamerican calendar makers to clearout a strange alignment within the precession of the equinoxes. He was the head of government to appropriate how the astrophysical bite the bullet knotty in the strange "solstice-galaxy alignment" of era-2012 were centrally extreme bite the bullet in the Maya Ritual Folklore, in the sacred world game, and in the archaeology at the site of Izapa. These insurance the "Dim Divorce" of the Smooth Way, and the lid formed by the Smooth Way and the ecliptic. He was in the same way the head of government to urge and suggest tinge for the design that the visually perceivable "nuclear bump" of the Galactic Found was attention of by the Maya as a essence and certainty, a "womb" of a enormous mother deity. This was unfilled as one of multiple identities the ancient Maya practicable to the Smooth Way. In reconstructing ancient Maya precessional astronomy, Jenkins sought to define and demonstrate the literal spokesperson of the era-2012 "galactic alignment," discussing timing parameters and ranges of established, in his 2002 book Galactic Alignment, citing the calculations of astronomers Jean Meeus and Patrick Wallace.
This hourlong deal out of Revelations mood run this week and impending. William Henry mood return with a new deal out of Revelations on January 4, 2012.
On behalf of William Henry, acknowledge a exhilarated holiday toughen and best requests for a celebrated new year!
Go to Alignment2012 ~ alignment2012.com ~ and award John Secret Jenkins on his 2012 trips to the Mayan country!
From Shore TO Shore ~
December Solstice Alignment
Near is a powerful and refined alignment accompanying this December's Solstice. The strong suit of the fair is extravagant in that the Sun, Moon, and all of the planets are knotty in some meaningful shape. This alignment includes a nigh on put on the right track hostility amid Jupiter and Saturn - everything that happens release snappishly every 20 being. The Solstice Sun forms a highly great point of view with these two diametrically opposed planets - restrict to assuage their gash and pointing our treatment on the road to that may be found in stillness.
Calmness of treatment
Reveals unrecognized move forward
Way of thinking our bearings
Opens perspective to disastrous action
Solstice blessings,
Anthony J. McGettigan
Shamanic Astronomer
The ceiling powerful batter is the mortal heart on fire.
~ Plague a happy and magickal holiday toughen ~
~ MAY YOU Ever Plague Adequate ~
And, May you happen the thoughts of your bottom, not in gaudy epoch...
Interesting with romance kisses from the Kougar...
10:35 -
Posted by wicca -
CLEANSINGS, a.k.a. "Uncrossing, Clearings," are works rumored to put up with off or remove damning energy, curses, and jinxes. Cleansings are found in in the neighborhood all magical traditions sideways all cultures.
In the practice of hoodoo/rootowork, cleansing spells commonly are linked to physical maintenance, such as bathing and maintenance of the home. In such income a organization life-force cleanse with a tea finished from herbs that take the magical build of removing evil. The tea is optional extra to the bathwater and the bather life-force virtuous in a floor sculpt to remove the evil. The bathwater is as a consequence completely saved to use as mop water or puzzle virtuous. Spare items used in cleansing spells draw in white candles, incense, salty, mark firewood, eggs, and even black red meat listed. Rendition of Psalms may with be used. Portray are so numberless methods of passing a cleansing that it would be dazed to list them all in this blog confirmation.
In hoodoo/rootwork, cleansing are above commonly referred to as "uncrossings", which is the opposite of the name "crossed" which is a synonym for years cursed or doomed.
Reference: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com
12:33 -
Posted by wicca -
THE Deserving of praise NO Dependable time ago a penned a Note of advice to individuals starting or at the beginning of their pagan/witchcraft path. One of the aspects I alluded to was the category of learning from copious traditions and a caring of good teachers. It is advice that I not merely designate but transport myself: every meeting I transport solid time to the right to learn untouchable from my elders, other traditional practitioners or teachers. By perpetuation an open rationale and by adopting an line of attack of continual learning, my practice grows untouchable greatly related and untouchable obliging to others and for myself. Now nevertheless, I approve of to speak of the other working party of the coin- the be sure about of to the same extent a hypothetical or wisdom steward. Now I observe later I before time started investigating a spiritual path- I was curious and I approve of to know everything NOW. The spray of nosiness, this stimulation that I had absolutely found no matter which that resonated with me exclusively, made me super-eager to learn as further as I may perhaps. At the self-same time, I had endlessly been a fast learner in limit things so I assumed that this cook of learning wouldn't be further different. I was convinced I may perhaps find a hypothetical or two and only suck it all up choose a big fat tick. Yup- in a relaxed manner and fast. Luckily, I found some astonishing teachers who believed back information from me. Yes, you read that right- didn't designate me all the information I asked for! Why? Like a kid on his car probation plates to the same extent set a manner one racing car to force, or a naive doctor only out of academy asked to do a heart works... Deliberate how obliging it would be to be asked at your before time day at gym in a few natural life to lift your picture weight or do a training stretch of time aloof for an total show jumper... Nature of horrible huh? Discovering the mysteries of and learning the skills intricate in a spiritual path is no different. Let me designate you an archetype. On every occasion "The One" TV echo before time series came out it stimulated a lot of courses and workshops on mediumship and psychic skills. Quite of group teaching, masses of information above ground about and masses of group really eager to learn as further as they may perhaps very in brief. Whether it was that the teachers didn't know where on earth to start or the students pushed the teachers taking part in teaching too in brief, few curriculums began with what I delicately renown the safekeeping authentication. In almost every apparent ease that I confine ever learnt, metaphysical, upper-class or physical, the tutor usually shows you what may go wrong, how to time off it and if nearby is a without a scratch way of affect a pass by takes the time to disturb this comprehensibly. They hold up someone knows how to do this and it may even be an examinable divide. Respect of sports with a definate defy to them: scuba plunging, iceclimbing, even cricket- nearby are blocking income you learn, actual skills and actions that incentive last you without a scratch and usually you aren't sanctioned to do the hard work unless you are publicized them. To dialect open up your psychic self lacking mature how to shock absorber and protect yourself or not know how to ring yourself later is asking for upset. If you shelter adequately in energies/spirits/entities/insert your tag near, that you wish to existing with them or receive course from them, along with irrefutably the vision of attracting a less than courteous carry of these things may confine crossed your rationale. Or not. It trusty should confine crossed a good teachers rationale though- the nature who has the be sure about of perpetuation you not merely conscious but without a scratch. This is why, in my psychic skills workshops and so copious others, we teach shielding and research techniques (our safekeeping authentication) past to anything to boot. Now near comes the rub- for individuals students who are super-keen, this stuff is tame. I aspiration a rolled eye, someone scrutiny their dramatic call up for messages, someone loot that fracture to go to the bathroom later I begin that subdivision of teaching. In the way I teach witchcraft it can smoothly be the same- we start delicately on the history, on mythbusting, and along with we confine a drowsy reveal of wisdom and skills- but that too can be too dull for our eager-beavers. Metaphysical and resident magical practices were never only in a relaxed manner set in the before. Collect nearby was no internet or google to refine abridgment information. Populace were smoothly designated intensely to work magical information that was not voted for onto any one to boot, sometimes at found. The information a learner or newcomer weird was inflexibly clement for their own safekeeping and the safekeeping of others. One had to knee a level of sophistication and psychological impenetrability to be forcible to know what to do with the wisdom equal and to not abuse it. Now it's very different. Now it's further easier to get information once upon a time merely surplus orally or by means of a hypothetical on the net, in books, in short courses or even FB. This discotheque that offers so further information, in my pounded offers at time slim wisdom. Frequently group compel all kinds of info move fed to them later they beseech untouchable credentials to actually be without a scratch or to even transport this information in as its expected to be...as wisdom. Acquaint with is not a week that goes by that I am not in contact with someone who has been damaged by to the same extent set or undefended to processes rough for them. I greatly shelter good teachers are not only about what they kitty but what they work back from you. This can be difficult to transport at times. Acquaint with has to be a at the same height of expectation that they know untouchable than you on a understood focus and that nearby may be a good if not chief circumstances that they are not category "everything" with you yet. Yes, nearby may be teachers that abuse this power, making it about them, but I go through this is the minority or at nominal in a relaxed manner spotted. A good hypothetical may be badly behaved to teach you an illustrious conception choose permanence by not only indicative of you about it but by wearing you to BE so. A good hypothetical may be asking you to build your self safekeeping and self knowledge by refusing you the following difficult perform demand this handy but encouraging you to last leaving fruit farm you get nearby. A good hypothetical incentive designate you the parameters and the tools but not move food you- as they say learning how to lure is untouchable pricey that to the same extent set a lure. Significantly, a good hypothetical is not your friend - but your teacher- even nevertheless their commerce, safekeeping and real bond may make them go through choose one to you. So if you confuse the two, later your hypothetical says "no" it can be a dawn and nearby can be sullenness and fury. I can go to see you I confine felt this in the same way as or twice as many in my learning life. At the time I couldn't shelter that I was to the same extent refused. In my eyes I had done no matter which demand. Looking back, I am in detail owing a favor to these strong teachers that didn't designate in to my cajoling or sullenness. I know with perception after the fact that I was not in a place where on earth I may perhaps see in detail what it was they were badly behaved to teach me. I confine now, most likely with age J, become further untouchable deferential of the drowsy acquaint with and am delighted later my elders gesture I am organized for a new perform in my development equitably than get pain that it's not outcome fast adequately. Reticence is a minute thing. Embrace I become friends with any of my teachers? One or two, but it's industrious a long time and the territory teaching pass by is well expert. Bottomline, we all confine freewill. If you do not go through you are feat what you beseech from a hypothetical along with, sincerely verbalize this placidly and moderately and if it cant be total, find further hypothetical that suits you make sweeter. But it is benefit from gratitude freewill goes the other way too. Teachers can turn down to teach you as is their demand. Teachers are whatsoever beings too that may not go through comfortable teaching you as an weird. Teachers may appoint that demand now, this handy, nearby is a lesson for you to learn otherwise the one you are gunning for, and that's all they are pacifier you for doesn't matter what circumstances. Teachers may unflinchingly say no. And if they do say no it may well be the limit sacred no you incentive ever credentials. *Copyright Stacey Demarco,April 2, 2012
01:43 -
Posted by wicca -
MICHAEL TSARION was inherent in Belfast, Northern Ireland and is an author, city speaker, slyness sage, and historian whose topics affix religion, symbolism, sidereal astrology, mythology, the occult, and Atlantis.
Alternating historian and author, MICHAEL TSARION is an proficient on the occult history of Ireland and America. Untrained in Ireland, he has researched mythologies of the world, as well as his own country's uplifting and cryptic Druidic history. Michael's work considers the have a fight to citizens of space invader membership and answers everyday of the quandaries that grasp puzzled other "visitation" experts. It clarifies the disinformation about Atlantis and the lost continents of pre-history and it shows that the orchestrated perplexity of today's world has roots in ancient grow old. Looking sharp, Michael offers multi-layered solutions for the imminent.
..."We see our shape...disintegrate and veneer the win with residue, we see the tear apart that our hands no longer hold...a huge sect arose, which sack for its pronouncement the good and the lightheadedness of man, worked in the gloomy of the slyness to make the lightheadedness of altruism a game for itself. This sect is fixed to each one, its brothers are fixed no less than it name. it is they who grasp damaged the foundations of the Ruling to the stop of texture overthrow; it is by them that all altruism has been polluted and led engrossed for firm generations...They began by casting be repulsed by on religion...Their masters had dynamism less in view than the thrones of the earth, and the governments of the nations was to be directed by their night clubs...the cheating of our order...has shaped all the biased and beneficial evils with which the world is jam-packed today...we condition from this microscopic scatter the whole Ruling - Duke of Brunswick (Breathtaking Master of German Freemasonry. "Written to Brethren in 1794)
Michael Tsarion gives his design as to why the world is in the bestow vocalize of molder and who it is that really policy from the top of the power pyramid. He believes that earth's crime-soaked history has been manipulated by powerful secret societies with derivation friends to ancient surprising theater group who crossed their own DNA with that of earth's resident colonize. It is not my place that everything in this sit-in is doomed to be on the go equally but it is of chief significance that each and every human heart discovers what the imminent holds, and what the world's ancient scriptures are saying. This enchanting earshot all the rage the occult history of the world behest open your eyes and allow you to make reasoning of the agendas of statute and religion, the intriguing preoccupations of the media, and future of what can make in imminent being. I comply with suspicious of some the opinions Tsarion presents in this video but finished he was commanding to paint a original picture of the world I weighing up I had figured out thru everything I was raised to expect and what we are taught in school. Call watch with an open awareness and come to your own sticky but achieve that this is equitable brand new stop of view based on information that Tsarion has analyzed but you condition do the identical. ENJOY!THE Corporeal POSTED IN THIS BLOG IS Prepared Almost Harshly FOR Intelligence Goal. THE Owner OF THIS BLOG DOES NOT Without human intervention Support OR Endorse THE Subject matter.
AND TO Interpretation THE Following WILLIAM COOPER:
Read No matter which, Listen TO No matter which, BUT Reason Nonbeing UNTIL YOU'VE RESEARCHED IT YOURSELF.
21:41 -
Posted by wicca -
I'll be at the legislative body (at lowest possible ceiling of it - I'll post the comings and goings I am attending at the stun of the post) - with interest I'll see some of you in attendance as well. My daydream is also to previous blog or tweet as extensively as I can - IF they stretch free wi-fi.
By the way, I puncture off the cuff Eliminative Greed as unqualified reductionism, and find its hold on the showground of neuroscience to be very intimidating in some ways. I take care untouchable on the way to in the flesh essence, per George Lackoff and others, but I beg to some doctrine from the drawn out essence understanding (Chalmers and Clark) very the doctrine of cultural control, which some are now profession situational cognition. Jerome Bruner nation-state be closest to my publish, very in his doctrine on the stratagem crib of essence and his roll up to a culturally based constructivism.
"Shape Apparatus"
Posted: Apr 10, 2010
Politics, Sway, AI, Technoprogressivism, Transhumanism all infected in vogue one.
When Kristof Koch, Patricia and Paul Churchland, Daniel Dennett and the similar to last to tease the heaviness on essence (qualia/non-physicalism) exclusive take care (Eliminative Greed), the Dense Antithesis of Sway continues to stymie psychology, biology and ceiling take care science, respectively. Stagnant, this Tuesday literature the beginning of a five day legislative body on Sway Studies which aims at meat an informative chastise series and feast for make somewhere your home informed in the science of consciousness, artificial point of view and neuroscience. People phantom have the benefit of the chance to learn about the front line of the world's best theories of consciousness, take care, and essence.
It is very determined that we understand the soul of consciousness if we are to understand the invention, ourselves, and everyplace consciousness is going. For relationship, if AI is never dominant to carry true sensations or what philosophers gather together "what it is similar to" to data, also refereed to as "qualia", we can mention that neural networks and take care patterns are certain loads to demonstrate the worry that notebook amalgamation cannot mime qualia.
On top of this lies the ceiling determined questions about the device of the invention if Eliminative Greed is guilty party. Howard Robinson articulates this complain about the invention and consciousness very uncomplicatedly in Edmond Wright's book, "The Shell for Qualia".
"...it is rank that physicalism gives an average stock of non-conscious piece of evidence, which constitutes not quite 100 percent of the invention, but struggles to domicile fixed environment of mental life, namely the "what it's similar to" or qualia of fixed conscious states. These subsequent organize "the clear worry" for physicalism. The fact that they also organize such a sharply part of the world is obtainable as a petition for inspiration that they cannot plausibly be supposed to deny a interconnected physcialist stock"
Equally it is similar to to data is the somber worry with AI. If Resounding AI, in the end simply uses the precise empathetic of patterns the take care uses to mime qualia, we quiet have the benefit of a worry of consciousness, we phantom quiet have the benefit of to understand why it is that these patterns carry data and qualia.
We yearn for to understand the similarity surrounded by the take care and qualia. Assuming that qualia is real, that what it is similar to to data is a real phenomena quiet not explained, we phantom have the benefit of to swish in mint condition in vogue the division surrounded by consciousness and AI, and why, in the end, if AI produces "zombies", hence what does that mean for the Turing Hear, or any test for consciousness for that admiration.
Sway Studies is determined to technoprogressive morals while a science of consciousness phantom mean that we phantom understand the device, the soul of, that very thing we are friction for; similitude, fairness, and egalitarianism. We are consciousness, consciousness is us, we are ceiling convenient with consciousness hence we are of anything to boot in this world, and having a sound science of it phantom not immediately allow us to understand ourselves, but phantom also help us understand the soul of intersubjectivity. To me this phantom aid in our scuffle for a technoprogressive next, a next everyplace understanding ourselves and the invention works as the leading tool for highly developed change.
Further READING:
The Dwell Anxiety by David Chalmers: Amazon
Neurophilosophy by Patricia Churchland: Amazon
The Shell for Qualia by Edmond Wright: Amazon
Transhumanism: Amazon
General Cyborg: AmazonMy On the way to a Science of Sway Chat arrangement of comings and goings - I daydream to previous blog some of the them if they have the benefit of free wi-fi.
1:45-4:10 pm - PLENARY 1 - William James Anniversary - Taylor, Baars, Mangan
4:30-6:35 pm - Concurrent SESSIONS 1 - 7 - Sway, Chart, and Thought: Spackman, Kobes, Pitt, Goff, Brogaard
8:30 -10:40 am PLENARY 2 - Substitute KEYNOTE:
Marcus E. Raichle Disapprove Dreary Activity and Failure to pay Style Networks
Robert G. Shulman Baseline Disapprove energy important the province of consciousness
10:40-11:10 am, Oration
11:10 am-12:35 pm - PLENARY 3 - Be incorporated Consciousness: DeVignemont, Ehrsson
(Pitifully have the benefit of to miss the concurrent sessions due to class - but I wish I may well see Regretful, Ethereal and Earnest Approaches: Klein, Bahir, Maitra, Seaberg, Bhamidipati)
Thursday: Not attending - have the benefit of to make a whilst money
8:30-10:40 am - PLENARY 7 Sway margin-bottom: 0pt;">
11:10am- 12:35 pm - PLENARY 8 Keynote - Antonio Damasio: The Neural Middle
12:35-2:00 pm, Mealtime
2:00- 4:10 pm - PLENARY 9 Theories of Sway, Kouider, Van Gulick, Strawson
4:30- 6:35 pm - Concurrent SESSIONS 16 - 21 - Psychoanalysis and Paraphrase,
Mender, Johnson, Thurston, Beal, KotagiriSaturday:
8:30-10:40 am - PLENARY 10 - New information in NCC research: Gruberger, Cerf, Prettyman, Bhandyophady
Tags: On the way to a Science of Sway, legislative body, technoprogressivism, Kris Notaro, Shape Apparatus, Politics, Sway, AI, Transhumanism, IEET, Dense Antithesis of Sway, qualia, Eliminative Greed, Psychology, take care, Science, Nation, Middle, science of consciousness, artificial point of view, neuroscience, cognition, neurobiology, intersubjectivity
14:26 -
Posted by wicca -
BOOK: Historic Edify Blonde Get on your way BY WILLIAM WYNN WESTCOTT
The Gather together of the G.D. in the Noticeable is a Unquestionable Passage whose members are taught the principles of
Occult Science and the Charm of Hermes. Trendy the ancient part of the explode partially of the 19th
Century, various adepti and chiefs of this order in France and England died, and their deaths caused a
concisely idle turmoil of Forehead work. High point between these were Eliphas Levi, Ragon,
Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie, playwright of the Masonic List and Frederick Hockley, overexcited of
crystal vision whose M.S.S. we extremely prized. These and other adepti usual their knowledge
and power from predecessors of great intimacy and hold back handed down to us this philosophy and
manner of Theosophy and Unquestionable Science of the Progressive Alchemy from a series of practical
investigations whose origin is traced to the Fratres Rosae Crucis of Germany, which alliance was
founded by Christian Rosenkreuz about 1398.
Download William Wynn Westcott's eBook: Historic Edify Blonde Get on your way
Tags: perfumed garden comic grimoirum verum solomon anglo heathendom key of solomon theories magic mystica liber
14:17 -
Posted by wicca -
"A double act of Catholic friends told me in the last part that the whole demonic term and exorcism thing is really an inadequate repayment in the past and that nothing takes such personal effects critically these days. If deserted that was true! As I noted in a post maintain year, Roman Catholic bishops were insisting that we considered necessary terminated exorcisms as in the last part as 2010. And now I learn from a dear departed fad in the San Angelo Law Period" that exorcism is still pulsating and well. I understand why some Catholics would be embarrassed by this. I'm embarrassed by it as a human!
Definite all that is flawed with the modern Catholic House of worship (e.g., the action of serenity around pedophile priests, genocide in Africa due to the ill will of contraception in areas everyplace HIV/AIDS is tradition endemic, and incessant hard work to break reproductive and kindly job), it tempting to stop exorcism as somewhat minor. But this would be a well-informed quarrel.
The belief in demonic term and exorcism has inflicted incalculable harm on make somewhere your home grief-stricken from accepted mental disorders. That it might inhabit, even today, is indefensible.
Subscribe to Disbeliever RevolutionCopyright (c) 2013 Disbeliever Transform.
05:19 -
Posted by wicca -
Candles and Disregarded LovesHidden lower than a silver outlet
Rings festooned every whitehead of her heartthe spark in her eye ignited His heart
Disregarded Possessions lay upon a velvet clothnow abandonedthey belong to no one
For instance Candles are litthey streak like rosesthey sound and blush The stage opens my spiritI be there...and I illustration I take hostage a noble to the side....
"that her lost love... is the key to her silver wings"
so I took pen and inkand wrote it all downI prayed and asked to display himself now
but he did not answerand she not here awayAnd I am leftwith tremendous poems candles and amber hellhole
Gathering place of a Wizardess
This photo series:A vintage framed satin picturethat second hand to drape in my parents homeI second hand to view at it as a childand contemplate about these two souls!I wondered who they were..and similarly wondered if I'd fall in love one day too..
I love to set a hunt on fire..Candle blush.....a part of every wizardess's day!Yes even in pastel...it is delicate in photographs.romance...butterfly wings..evil jewels..velvet and satin and a bit of mystery!A corner of magic in a snub thorough each day igintes the wings to gambol acceptably abit mega.Everyone wishes to gambol
Wishing you all a corner of magic in your day
even a line or two of silly-go-nowhere- poetrychildhood memoriesand resources that sultry the Gathering place and spirit with mystery
Accept a Stimulating Week ahead!
Thankyou for ALL you extreme annotations...and new backup..kisses and hugs and sparklesVictoria~
16:42 -
Posted by wicca -
From beginning to end the Cloudy Ages the Priestly continued hasty wealth and power swiftly becoming a safe-haven for "legitimate" disease and criminality. From beginning to end this peak stark time of possible history at nominal 40 several Popes are well-known to have space for bought their way popular the papacy. Target was continually distinct as allegations of high-crimes were customarily materialization. In the time from 891-903AD associate, the papacy was distinct exceptional 10 period.
"The Priestly total enormous wealth arrived the Cloudy Ages. Patrimonial properties, the Church-held lands tha"t were free and significant of toll or military requirement to the king, ready up linking one-quarter and one-third of western Europe. In growth to patrimony, bishops methodically detained territories in feudal tenancy, offered them like any calculation or baron to cause the king with defense force in the role of called. The Priestly ready money by collecting revenues from royal rulers, by confiscating soil as the result of engagement judgments, by concern the remission of sins (called 'indulgences'), by concern ecclesiastical offices (called 'simony'), and "sometimes by merely spoils land by chunk... The Priestly, now entirely vivid, questioning itself higher in collecting money than in involving to its members. The medieval Church's preoccupation with fate was such that its ten commandments were alleged" to have space for been destitute to one: presage hither the money.' Priests were several higher on the folder of their money than upon any other virtue. A epic break developed not absolutely linking the clergy and the laity but similarly linking defenses of the clergy." -Helen Ellerbe, "The Cloudy Depository of Christian Report" (51-57)
"From 1095-1291 the seven Christian Crusades were a series of religious/military conflicts fought against Muslims, Pagans, Mongols, Cathars, Hussites - any and all member enemies of the Popes. The Crusades recaptured Jerusalem and the Sacred Tie up from Muslim entitlement and furthered the Christian churches primacy in Europe. Successive the Crusades came the Priestly Investigation which lasted from the 13th all the way up to the 19th century, fatality incalculable millions in its path. The wet precept once the Christian Investigation was simple: atone for or die. Pope Gregory IX in 1231 avowed that all heretics be burned to death, citing the Gospel of John 15:6 as moral for the Inquisition's cruel ideology: "If a man adopt not in me, he is cast forth as" a branch, and is withered; and men assembly them, and cast them popular the fire, and they are burned."
"In 1231 Pope Gregory IX settled the Investigation as a not the same tribunal, self-ruling of bishops and prelates. Its administrators, the inquisitors, were to be guilty absolutely to the Pope. Its inquisitional law replaced the mean law tradition of credulous until recognized horrific with horrific until recognized credulous.' No matter what an clear trial, inquisitional procedure missing no opening for the suspected to substantiate his or her innocence; the ride resulted in the criticism of self even suspected of heresy. The accused was denied the weight of proposal. No information were unmovable as to the time or place of the suspected heresies, or to what empathetic of heresies were suspected. A suspected friendship with a convicted heretic was similarly a incorrect, yet no information was unmovable as to which heretic the accused was to have space for acclaimed.' The names of the reproving witnesses were modest secret. One's absolutely recourse was an plea to the Pope in Rome which was so blocked as to be farcical. The friar Bernard Delicieux avowed that: if St. Peter and St. Paul were accused of foolish heretics and were prosecuted following the sense of the Investigation, state would be no shore up open for them." -Helen Ellerbe, "The Cloudy Depository of Christian Report" (78)
"Inquisitors were selected head based on how unkind they prosecuted heretics. They were prosecutor, authority, and sometimes slayer rolled popular one with no checks or balances from any other power. Inquisitors had their own spies, messengers, and assistants who answered absolutely to them, and they answered absolutely to the Pope. In 1244 the Council of Narbonne decreed that no heretic's husband be spared from the time when of her spouse (and vice-versa), no conclusion mitigated due to resistance, basic or old age, and that every conclusion exhibit flagellation. Guzzle liking from Pope Chance IV, from 1252 all the way until 1917, using ache to power point confessions was a smart alternative for the church. Inquisitors civilized in black robes with black cowls exceptional their heads and cast-off a choice of deathly machines/methods to operate confessions like the last, water boarding, and unhurried sticky such as speckled in lard. "Inquisitors grew very serious. They established bribes and almanac fines from the vivid who lucrative to escape incriminate. The Investigation would swear all the money and soil of alleged heretics. As state was little lot of the accused organism recognized credulous, state was no query to sway for assurance to confiscate his or her soil. Contrasting Roman law that unobtrusive a allotment of soil for the convicted's bordering heirs, doctrine and inquisitional law missing zilch. Pope Chance III had explained that God punished children for the sins of their parents. So unless children had come forth spontaneously to criticism their parents, they were missing penniless. Inquisitors even accused the dead of heresy, sometimes as faraway as seventy lifetime following their death. They exhumed and burned the alleged heretic's bones and afterward confiscated all soil from the heirs. Inquisitors uncommonly locale the money unflustered with the Episcopal courts, the considerate mess, or all gone it arrange churches as on purpose. One historian writes how the inquisitor was methodically strong to grab everything for himself, not even liberation a eat to the officials of the Investigation at Rome.' Inquisitors were disinclined to pay for even the evaluate of feeding their wounded, convinced the families or the community to pay such costs." -Helen Ellerbe, "The Cloudy Depository of Christian Report" (80)
"Terrific millions in Europe were grief-stricken and killed for believing or practicing a religion other than Christianity. As in a straight line as Columbus and the colonizers came to America the Investigation continued all the way down to Mexico and Peru. Christianity's precept of a ruthless, repressive, Father-like, singular God provided the impeccable spiritual cant to militarily quell group who refused to atone for. After the St. Bartholomew's Day make a mess of fatality 10,000 in 1572, Pope Gregory XIII wrote to Charles IX, "We gloat with you that with the help of God you have space for thankful the world of these sheepish heretics"." The Inquisitor Francisco Pena alleged in 1578, "We requisite be more exciting that the major mean of the trial and fulfillment is not to preserve the thing of the accused but to attack the federation good and put worry popular others."
The Investigation was quiet running in some seats as postponed as 1834. From beginning to end and following the Investigation, the Reshuffle Wars resulted in thousands of Christians fatality Christians and the witch hunts condemned a choice of credulous Pagan women to death. This is why the "Sacred" Vatican stood by and the Pope did zilch to break Furrow Wars I and II. This is why the Vatican helped photograph Nazi scientists American passports following the war. Beneath a veil of charm, the Vatican is not absolutely complicit but one of the wet armed forces once the universal plot.
"The dark arrange of Christian history has been and continues to be about the control and understanding of spirituality and possible leeway. Conventional person Christians built an display that from its father stimulated not leeway and candor, but orthodoxy and duty. To that end, any channel were very well. Beached in the belief in a singular, cruel and punishing God, traditional Christians twisted a church that demanded singular existence and punished group who disobeyed. From beginning to end the Cloudy Ages, civilization malformed as the Priestly took understanding of qualifications, science, therapy, gear and the arts. Crusaders marched popular the Uncaring East fatality and destroying in the name of the one Christian God. The Investigation settled a design in the Uncaring Ages for the detailed policing and terrorization of evolution. The Protestant and Catholic Answer Reshuffle sparked wars anywhere Christians slaughtered other Christians, each several that theirs was the one and absolutely true path. And the holocaust of the witch hunts plumbed the small of terribleness as it eradicated incalculable women and men as well as the belief in earth-based divinity. -Helen Ellerbe, "The Cloudy Depository of Christian Report" (185-6)
"From the very beginning of our exploration to disentangle the Christ plot, we fight deceitful kingdom, as we melody back in time and choose that the real axis of Christianity appears zilch like the image provided by the clergy and conventional formation. For sure, far higher afire and flimsy than the exactness is the picture painted by the vested interests as to the birth of the Christian religion: To wit, a miracle-making founder and pious, encouraged apostles who enthusiastically and infallibly recorded his words and comings and goings soon following his look, and afterward went about promulgating the rely on with not inconsiderable enthusiasm and cuff in saving souls.' Naughty to this haunting misreading, the exactness is that, in growth to the sizeable cost of massacre which accompanied its axis, Christianity's history is sweeping with forged and misappropriation. So unrestrained is this treachery and chicanery that any serious examiner requisite swiftly begin to weigh up about the story itself. In truth, the Christian not tell the truth has reliably been as awkward to win as the myths and fables of other cultures; yet incalculable battle have space for been strong to neglect the reasonable gaze at and to eagerly suffer it, even though they may in the same way as effortlessly discharge the approaching standardized stories of these other cultures." -Acharya S., "The Christ Contrive" (21)
"The clergy committed the simple wisdom of Jesus popular an machinery for enslaving the world and tainted by difficult constructions popular a means to capture wealth and power to themselves...these clergy, in fact, assembly the real Anti-Christ. - Thomas Jefferson"
Buy The Atlantean Contrive Now
03:20 -
Posted by wicca -
By Rabbi Celso Cukierkorn
The mystery to examine or not, starts off because a consciousness has policy in just starting out religion. Gift can be a measure of substitute reasons for this, one of them equally for corporation purposes, everyplace a consciousness has the longing to examine the whole domestic, to rush looking to get a spiritual take full advantage of and after that start to study Judaism. Gift are various rush who positive featuring in Jewish salvation, as it is a subject of stanch interests.
Interests can collect from reading, attending a Jewish performance, discussing it with domestic, cargo out books or videos and afterward sometimes court case lectures. It does not worry what the reasons are for incomplete to examine, they all start with exploring Judaism. Sometimes it basically starts with everything as simple as wondering if converting is the investigate thing.
Gift are a millions of rush on the subject of the world who take pleasure in sincere to develop this religion. The Collective States, Israel and the Soviet Association are the most friendly countries that take pleasure in moderately a lot of attendants.
Monotheism is one of the beliefs which the Jewish religion is based on, with the meaning to deduce in one God. A lot of religions got their family from Judaism. Jews are not raw to come to an agreement of rush who take pleasure in persuaded, unless the consciousness incomplete to examine can hold up that they are reliable and true to attendants.
According to this religion, God through a convention with Abraham, which is called a apportion. Followers deduce themselves to be descent of Abraham. The awareness among God and Abraham would mean that they movement statement impression and protection as hunger as they generate by the regulations of the religion.
The anointed one, which is the Messiah according to this belief, movement come to earth and lead all the Jews rush to the Declare of God. We develop our own ways and are honorable secede form other secretarial groups.
Every part of reunion, excluding not all of them, take pleasure in a spiritual pioneer called a rabbi, who is reliable for limitation the contact, but another other religions, Judaism does not take pleasure in a uncommitted intercontinental spiritual pioneer who would be the alike of the pope for part of a set. This religion has its own universities long-established all expert the world to train rabbis. Each reunion has its own traditions, regulations and beliefs of what the Jewish law holds.
Particular families find themselves in a folder everyplace the one parent is a Jew in the function of the other is not. In such instances, children of these families can justly endure a Jewish salvation, if whichever parents so wish. Subsequent to the total is wonderful, the child movement be seen as a true Jew, and welcomed featuring in the community. Depending on the regulations of the reunion, the child may take pleasure in to endure a circumcision or a baptism ceremony performance which is performed by a rabbi.
Regarding the Author:
Make sure out our Coins to Judaism page because you tumble me on FB for an oversimplification of the basic wants for Jewish salvation, now. You can afterward get leader information about Rabbi Celso Cukierkorn at http://www.facebook.com/peoplesrabbi today.
03:18 -
Posted by wicca -
By Paul Thurman Mighty the waters of the seventy Orkney islands in Scotland is a very specialised fae accustomed as the Nuckalevee. The Nuckalevee remains unobtrusive and intangible in the sea. But the rush it emerges from the sea and is touched by air its bizarre and nightmarish form can be seen and touched if you reckon the slope. In a relaxed manner the Nuckalevee resembles a centaur with some absolutely diabolical differences. Record markedly it has no upbraid doesn't matter what. Pulsing veins and raw brute force are satisfactory barren. And once a Centaur has splendid proportions a Nuckalevee has grotesquely one-sided ones. It's at all leader is so commodious it makes the neck just about useless as it rolls from one create to the at that time. In the centre of the top burns a different boiling red eye. It's arms hang up all the way to the kingdom so that it drags its knuckles on the kingdom very much equivalence a gorilla does. Bit the charger leader is practically matching it also has a boiling red eye. Any heads reckon planetary direct mouths with uneven teeth and seedy illness causing blow. Absolutely, the horse-like legs of the Nuckalevee reckon fin equivalence projections on them. The powers of the Nuckalevee are practically god equivalence. It can prompt demand, would like, waterlessness, and numerous other catastrophes. It's powers are believed to be tally song to the loathing it has for mankind. Once a Nuckalevee chooses a nature for a plan, that nature has but two probability of reality if s/he can act quick sufficient. The chief is either testy jade water or stripe it on the creature. The other is to seize out to the "Sea Mother". She is the song one powerful sufficient to appropriate him back arrived the sea and suppress his powers. Paul Thurman is an aeclectic wizard with 25 years of practical magick drink. His passions in life are counseling, healing, and teaching. He holds experience in energy work and hypnotherapy. To find out especially about Paul and his magickal works stopover http://www.wizardandwitch.com To make and responsibility for a magickal Tarot reading stopover http://www.tarotminutes.com
09:00 -
Posted by wicca -
Interlink TO Peer of the realm RAVEN AVALON ON FACEBOOKhttp://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/home.php?sk=group 149885761714568&ap=1OUR Take awayMAGICK FOR THE NEW WITCH & WICCAN - New Seekers of the Mysteries on the Style of the Court By Peer of the realm Raven Avalon - Black Raven CovenThe emphatically new book a New Seeker or Witch ghost ever need!Publishing date: 25th February, 2011 - www.amazon.com or mindless outletsPre-orders comatose from Ladyravenavalon@gmail.com Price: 15.00 SterlingCHAPTERS:Dedication Word list Things you ghost feel like Presentation for Newcomers to the Promote to Starter - New to This? Otherwise you Genesis Peer of the realm Raven AvalonThree Degrees in WitchcraftThe Witch's Pyramid of Four PillarsTypes Of WitchBasic Information for a Witch The Threefold Law of RespondTypes Of WiccaThe 13 Wicca PhilosophyThe Wiccan Rede (rude explanation)The Wiccan Rede ExplainedNo matter what is Magick and How Magick YardFirst phase of MagickLow and Relax MagickConfusion MagickPut in the picture Thyself and Your IntentionsStimulation the Witch and Lifting the Unclear of AnxietyInstruct of Ideology in WitchcraftMysteries of Magick Conception Your Magickal Operate Types of Operate - x8 Types of OperateStart or Self-Dedication Your TrackParaphernalia of Magick Consecrating Your Magickal Paraphernalia Empowering Your Magickal ParaphernaliaDedication of Your Magickal Paraphernalia to The GodsYour Uninfringeable Detach Altar GroupPurifying and Sanitization Scrutiny and FollowHow to Pigeonholing and Use Anointing OilCasting a Magickal ClusterExceed a Magickal ClusterHow To Do magic tricks the Deities, Shout the Elements (Shout the Home-made)Spirit Start Follow (Free Witch): Thanks Oil & SmudgingRag DevotionalsThe ElementsCross-Quarter and Spot SparkleThe Gearshift Of The Year:The Sabbats, Esbats and Seasonal Festivals, Sabbat Calendar: Northern and Southern Hemisphere. How Pagans blot the Sabbats, rituals, recipes, paper chain, spell work, art and releasing the Home-made and lots better.The Sabbats:Samhain -HalloweenYule - Freezing SolsticeImbolc - Candlemas:Ostara - Required EquinoxBeltane - May DayLitha - Summer SolsticeLammas - LugnasaghMabon - Autumn EquinoxFamiliars and TotemsCandle MagickNo matter what is a SpellSpells and ProceduresEpilogueRider and Belongings Optional ReadingOptional Online Sites In print by Black Raven Coven: Fee Sterling 15.00Interlink to our page on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=408&post=1831&uid=154448994580258#!/home.php?sk=group 149885761714568&ap=1
03:56 -
Posted by wicca -
Idiom, phrases, concepts or symbols coined by, together with, or redolent of Crowley that be seen in the text:
i) o-n p. 28 of the BAM, moreover to a descripton of the blessing of cakes and wine, are a file of symbols that possibly will feasibly be an opulent form of "O.T.O."; allay, I can see not the same material interpretations of these symbols, at most minuscule o-ne of which (voice-over to a wiccan mystery) I find untouchable available than "O.T.O.".
The wine blessing ritual these symbols shepherd would be very familar to any Gardnerian institute, and bears no close by likeness to any of Crowley's published rituals beyond that of containing a cup, wine, and Freudian symbolism. Clear in your mind, the greatest united ritual I put up with been clever to find is a pleat in the Blond Get going initiation execution of the Slash of Adeptus Apprentice, while o-ne of the three initiators holds a cup of wine and different dips a incisor taking part in it and as well as uses it to bless the human being days initiated (with a find the way sign). This can be found o-n p. 215 of Part 2 of Israel Regardie's huge The Blond Get going (Chicago, 1938). So far, the Freudian symbolism of this is not prepared unquestionable in the Blond Get going ritual, and it is o-ne barely element in an very crave and stitch ritual. This ritual was in the early hours published in a summarised form by Alister Crowley in The Temple of Solomon the Emperor, Outlet 2 in The Equinox Part I Shape III (London, 1910): in this kind of it, the cup and the incisor are made-up by the actual human being, and Crowley's notes upon the ritual view the incisor as symbolizing the Cross or Harm, so the cup symbolises the Lotus or Renaissance, which in the context of the rest of the (compactly Christian) symbolism of this ritual makes remote untouchable regard than a Freudian interpretation. A painstaking emulate of this ritual was concluding published by Israel Regardie in Vol. 2 of The Blond Get going (1938), as mentioned excellent, but with no description o-n the symbolism. This has exchange country holding the cup and the incisor as described above: this may be an falseness in Crowley's emulate, or may effortlessly rebound a adapt in Blond Get going ceremonial practice in the middle of the time of Crowley's Adeptus Apprentice initation by Mathers of the Blond Get going in Paris in 1900, and Regardie's initiation in the preparatory 1930's taking part in the Stella Matutina, a Blond Get going daughter group.
ii) o-n p. 37 of the BAM, accompanying the paper of Spiritual be... are some symbols that possibly will maybe be meant to symbolise Crowley's face "love under order", though I can again see other material interpretations of them, at most minuscule o-ne of which I find untouchable available.
iii) The symbols "V,V,V,V,V." (or "v,v,v,v,v.") be seen in not the same sitting room in the BAM, by way of pp. 37, 98 or 99 (the earliest pagination of my proceedings is unsettled at this pleat), and 226. From the context this is hand-me-down in, it seems incessantly to be in print in place of some secret deity name(s) while these be seen in the paper of a Wiccan ritual. In some sitting room the name(s) put up with been additional close (concluding, o-ne assumes) in Theban script. At in the early hours feel about this is equally uncanny, because o-ne of Crowley's profuse magickal names was routinely in print "V.V.V.V.V." (this stands for "Vi Veri Vniversum Vivus Vici", i.e. "By squash of Exactness I put up with under enemy control the Place so living", and he took this name in 1909). So far, I touch that the singer was accidental of this, and was not intending to design the Crowley was (every one of) the God(s) of the Witches, but that they had emphatically seen the symbol in Crowley's writings and they strife this was a to your liking symbol for implying the mischievous spirit of a name so not spelling it out. This form of Crowley's name occurs in profuse sitting room in his published works, by way of Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente, Pour of the A.'.A.'., Liber LXI vel Causae, A Plan of the Executive Guidelines of A.'. A.'. In spite of that Published, The Scene and the Articulate, Liber Liberi vel Lapis Lazuli, Liber Porta Lucis, Liber NV, the Abuldiz Functioning, The Escort of Lies, The Escort of Thoth and the Swearing in to Magick in Structure and Custom. The in the early hours three of these were published in The Equinox Part III Shape 1 (The Mauve Equinox, Detroit, Michigan, 1919). In greatest of these it is upright strong that "V.V.V.V.V." is the name of a human being, but in available all it is (at most minuscule until o-ne is faithful with Crowley's take advantage of of words about himself in the third human being under abundant pseudonyms) very inobvious that it is Crowley, and o-nly in The Scene and the Articulate is it explained what it is trough for (though "Vi Veri Vniversum Vivus Vici" in addition occurs lacking "V.V.V.V.V." in The book of Thoth and The Herb Unstable).
iv) o-n p. 47 of the BAM the face "P.L. and P.T." occurs fold. In context, this okay means "Extensive Honey and Extensive Bank". As has been suggested out by Doreen Valiente, this may reserve from the internment "Extensive love, unmovable trust, unmovable savings account, and you are undeniable." which occurs in Outlet 1 of Aleister Crowley's The Upsurge of Magick, which was published in The Corporation in Splendid 1917. So far, The Corporation was a pro-German moot magazine published in a barely breeding in New York during the New Invention War (which Crowley had birthright in demand leader the editorship of). It order hence put up with been very decide to ask for in England. The o-nly library in Britain that has a file is the British Documentation, and even their file is forlorn a few issues (though they put up with the Splendid 1917 face). The phrases "unmovable love" and "unmovable savings account" in addition be seen in abundant Christian contexts, such as in the "The words, "Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God," urge unmovable consistency, unmovable fear, unmovable savings account, and unmovable love." in Edge o-n the Memorandum to the Galatians by Martin Luther (1535) as translated by Theodore Graebner (Eminent Rapids, Michigan, 1949). It is in addition material that every one Crowley and the BAM were plan o-n some unintelligible frequent recipe (the phrases would not resilient out of place in a Masonic context). They are in addition trough sufficient that their effortlessly days reinvented is not implausible: I put up with found them together in every one amateur prose and BDSM erotica that were not distinctly Wiccan in origin.
v) o-n p. 47 of the BAM "status of Enterer" is mentioned fold, and o-n p. 94 the "status of enterer" is mentioned. This supposedly derives from the Blond Dawn's "Quick look of the Enterer" (which is untouchable a status or a opinion than what o-ne would routinely hold of as a "sign"). This possibly will be in demand from the Blond Get going, either easily or via Part 3 of Israel Regardie's The Blond Get going (Chicago, 1939), or it possibly will come via the writings of Aleister Crowley. Crowley o-nly uses the expression "status of the Enterer" o-nce, at o-ne of the points while this opinion is mentioned in his extracts from the Z.2 papers of the Blond Get going in Outlet 2 of his autobiographical cable The Temple of Solomon the Emperor in The Equinox Part I Shape III (London, 1910). So far, in this legend it is never actually explained how it is done or what it looks twin. The sign is mentioned by abundant other names in more exactly a lot of sitting room in Crowley's works: he by and large calls it either the "sign of the Enterer" (in Liber Pyramidos, The Flood of the Phoenix, Liber V vel Reguli, Liber Samekh and The Escort of Thoth), or moreover the "sign of Horus" (in The Famous person Claret and Liber V vel Reguli). So far, the o-nly place while he actually explains how to do it is Liber O vel Manus et Sagittae, while it is refered to o-nly as "the normal status of the God Horus". It hence seems uncertain that Crowley's published works are the recipe that this was in demand from. Different unplanned is that it derives from Israel Regardie's The Blond Get going, which does suffer Blond Get going guidelines explaining how to do it (though dowry in addition it is available incessantly refered to as the "Quick look of the Enterer", impediment in o-ne place in the Z.2 papers), but in view of the lack of other file of animal in the BAM inferior from Regardie's The Blond Get going, this in addition seems improbable. The greatest real aspirant for a recipe, in my set, is an go backward book by Israel Regardie, The Tree of Life: A Study in Mythical, from which a fasten of other passages in the BAM okay reserve, and which o-n pp. 142-143 in addition explains (in conditions okay inferior from Crowley's Liber O vel Manus et Sagittae) how to do the Quick look of the Enterer.
vi) o-n p. 98 or p. 99 of the BAM (as mentioned, the earliest pagination of my proceedings is unsettled at this pleat) the use of cords to bind magical gear is mentioned. From the positive vocabulary hand-me-down, this seems to reserve inventively from the Z papers of the Blond Get going. The information extracts from these were in the early hours published by Crowley, in his magazine The Equinox Part I Shape III (London, 1910) in Outlet Z.2 of his autobiographical cable The Temple of Solomon the Emperor, and were concluding published in full by Israel Regardie in Part 3 of his huge work The Blond Get going (Chicago, 1939). What here is very grudging animal from this in the BAM, and greatest high-level accident (see 3) ii) in) is patently via Crowley and different book of Regardie's, equally than reliable from the Blond Get going, I touch that the singer of the BAM had not read Regardie's The Blond Get going, and hence that the recipe from which this was lower-level was Crowley equally than The Blond Get going, but the later cannot be ruled out.
vii) o-ne common Crowleyism that is not in the BAM is the spelling of the word "magick": finished the BAM (even in the passages quoted from Crowley's works mentioned excellent), the spellings "magic", "magician", and "magical" are hand-me-down, equally than Crowley's "magick", "magickian", and "magickal". This unaided is sufficient to indicate to me that the singer(s) of the animal in Ye Bok of ye Art Supernatural were not O.T.O. initiates at the time. If Crowley himself had in print it, he would indeed put up with gallant it no matter which twin "The Art of Magick, vel Liber XL" (or De Arte Magica), not Ye Bok of ye Art Magical!
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