Interlink TO Peer of the realm RAVEN AVALON ON FACEBOOK!/home.php?sk=group 149885761714568&ap=1OUR Take awayMAGICK FOR THE NEW WITCH & WICCAN - New Seekers of the Mysteries on the Style of the Court By Peer of the realm Raven Avalon - Black Raven CovenThe emphatically new book a New Seeker or Witch ghost ever need!Publishing date: 25th February, 2011 - or mindless outletsPre-orders comatose from Price: 15.00 SterlingCHAPTERS:Dedication Word list Things you ghost feel like Presentation for Newcomers to the Promote to Starter - New to This? Otherwise you Genesis Peer of the realm Raven AvalonThree Degrees in WitchcraftThe Witch's Pyramid of Four PillarsTypes Of WitchBasic Information for a Witch The Threefold Law of RespondTypes Of WiccaThe 13 Wicca PhilosophyThe Wiccan Rede (rude explanation)The Wiccan Rede ExplainedNo matter what is Magick and How Magick YardFirst phase of MagickLow and Relax MagickConfusion MagickPut in the picture Thyself and Your IntentionsStimulation the Witch and Lifting the Unclear of AnxietyInstruct of Ideology in WitchcraftMysteries of Magick Conception Your Magickal Operate Types of Operate - x8 Types of OperateStart or Self-Dedication Your TrackParaphernalia of Magick Consecrating Your Magickal Paraphernalia Empowering Your Magickal ParaphernaliaDedication of Your Magickal Paraphernalia to The GodsYour Uninfringeable Detach Altar GroupPurifying and Sanitization Scrutiny and FollowHow to Pigeonholing and Use Anointing OilCasting a Magickal ClusterExceed a Magickal ClusterHow To Do magic tricks the Deities, Shout the Elements (Shout the Home-made)Spirit Start Follow (Free Witch): Thanks Oil & SmudgingRag DevotionalsThe ElementsCross-Quarter and Spot SparkleThe Gearshift Of The Year:The Sabbats, Esbats and Seasonal Festivals, Sabbat Calendar: Northern and Southern Hemisphere. How Pagans blot the Sabbats, rituals, recipes, paper chain, spell work, art and releasing the Home-made and lots better.The Sabbats:Samhain -HalloweenYule - Freezing SolsticeImbolc - Candlemas:Ostara - Required EquinoxBeltane - May DayLitha - Summer SolsticeLammas - LugnasaghMabon - Autumn EquinoxFamiliars and TotemsCandle MagickNo matter what is a SpellSpells and ProceduresEpilogueRider and Belongings Optional ReadingOptional Online Sites In print by Black Raven Coven: Fee Sterling 15.00Interlink to our page on Facebook!/home.php?sk=group 149885761714568&ap=1

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