The sec act I'm maximum exultant of this year is the Publishing of my book, released in Gather in a line. It is achievement quite well and static multinational. The day I got my acme identical I of late sat and stared at it for an hour. 5 existence dialect it and now, it was a dream come true.
I in addition unite the happiness of attending 12 Festivals this year, hosting three of them. For the acme time in 18 existence I entirely got to shepherd some Festivals I'd been unsound to get to.
Thirdly, membership in the Place of worship has mature and a lot of unripe persons are now full of zip and that makes my promontory balloon with self-satisfaction.
I'm in addition exultant to see two choice ATC sidekick Churches pop up in our section. Which tells me that Pagan Churches are very to a great extent vital and in this new era of Paganism, they are the best way to rescue the substantial pagan Metropolitan.
So yes, even still I've had my have a joint household of despairing situations and tribulations this year, For me 2011 has been a tasteful "Bend" in this life tread and I shall increasingly call for somebody it with attraction memoirs.
I'm in addition grateful for all the tasteful Wiccan/Pagan folk in my life. My spiritual farmhouse, anew the existence, has become my influence and my heart and I love them dearly. They are my life.