Thin German Crepes Image
These pancakes are perfect for the morning after the Solstice, and are excellent served the European way: with a sprinkling of sugar and fresh lemon juice squeezed on top.

* 5 well beaten eggs...add salt, sugar and flour to beaten eggs to make a smooth paste.

* 1/4 teaspoon salt

* 1 1/2 cups flour

* 2 Tablespoons sugar

* 2 1/4 cups milk

Add milk and stir well until thin and creamy. Let sit for 5 to 10 minutes to thicken. Stir again and cook as pancakes with a hot buttered pan. Re-apply small amounts of butter as needed. Serve with lemons and sugar, rolled up and cut, or with any accompaniments you can think of": Auramooth's Wiccan "

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